Conversation Between Saint_Dee and to0kenZA

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Ya dude, at first I was like "Look at this legend, he actually photoshopped it for us!" but then I saw the same picture, hopefully scrolling down expecting a funny one at the bottom that had been shopped, but noooo! By the time I got to the last one I just laughed. Lol
  2. And that's exactly why I had to do it, because you'd see it and think WTF???

  3. You were the least expected troll though! LOL
  4. When I saw your post I was like, "Is he saying this when he should know how many trolls roam around these forums xD"
  5. Hahaha Naw it's ok, that kinda made my day lol xD
  6. Maybe that was a bit mean xD
  7. Right, that's it. I'm sending you my dry-cleaning bill.

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