Well if I had more people it might be better but yeah, posted a blog piece about it check that out. Oh and...
right now I'm terrible, not really playing anything. Desperately need to get a new game, but been strapped on cash with saving up for the Aussie visa stuffs etc etc. Hahaha....maybe I should reconsider Brink then....
Lol. What you playing at the moment? Im suffering with Brink - SP friendly it is not and u need a BSc to get it to go online.
Look! I'm lurking!
/Spots Eek Lurking
lol @ InSanity! You pilgrim you!
lol....that is indeed a handful! If you need any help...:P Anyway, the offer stands, so when you feel like taking me up on it, let me know. Don't think I'll be getting rid of it that soon as I want to play it again at some point. Excellent game that!
Lol Thanks Dude. I might actually take u up on that. For the next month or so I'm going to be pretty swamped. Getting Metro 2033 from MyGaming for a review. Then there is the Beta for Reach which im doing a hands on Impression for and I still have Bioshock 2, Conviction and Gow of War 2 & 3 to finish. Thanks for the Offer though.
Seriously though...if you want to borrow my Uncharted 2, you're more than welcome to.
Tee hee hee...randomness is today!