Conversation Between OmegaFenix and eek

20 Visitor Messages

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  1. Well if I had more people it might be better but yeah, posted a blog piece about it check that out.

    Oh and...

  2. right now I'm terrible, not really playing anything. Desperately need to get a new game, but been strapped on cash with saving up for the Aussie visa stuffs etc etc.

    Hahaha....maybe I should reconsider Brink then....
  3. Lol. What you playing at the moment? Im suffering with Brink - SP friendly it is not and u need a BSc to get it to go online.
  4. Look! I'm lurking!
  5. /Spots Eek Lurking

  6. lol @ InSanity! You pilgrim you!
  7. lol....that is indeed a handful! If you need any help...:P

    Anyway, the offer stands, so when you feel like taking me up on it, let me know. Don't think I'll be getting rid of it that soon as I want to play it again at some point. Excellent game that!
  8. Lol Thanks Dude. I might actually take u up on that. For the next month or so I'm going to be pretty swamped. Getting Metro 2033 from MyGaming for a review. Then there is the Beta for Reach which im doing a hands on Impression for and I still have Bioshock 2, Conviction and Gow of War 2 & 3 to finish.
    Thanks for the Offer though.
  9. Seriously though...if you want to borrow my Uncharted 2, you're more than welcome to.
  10. Tee hee hee...randomness is today!
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 20
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