Conversation Between bradbear117 and TheAvenged87

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Yeah man, Deus Ex is a very cool game. Still busy with it though, in fact I think I am only now going to China, so still a lot to do. Jeez I haven't played Armageddon in AGES.
  2. Im all over the show with games these days. Playing MK Armageddon on PS2, Skyrim and Mass Effect 3 on PC and Prince of Persia on Xbox. Finished Deus Ex for xbox last month, so good!
  3. I'm trying to smash Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, the servers get shut off end-October. Also some Enslaved and Deus Ex on the side. You?
  4. Yes! Jay-Jay's!Stoked we got one in town. They actually stock alot of gaming related shirts now and again. Work is happening everyday! haha, hey what do you game on?
  5. At Jay-Jay's. They have some cool stuff there, only a few stores in SA. So what's happening?
  6. Hey man! cool! Ya, not common at all, I got it when I worked at Game in the UK during the Punisher game promotions. How did you get yours?
  7. I have that exact same Punisher T-Shirt. Not very common, since the skull is yellow. Oh wait - Hello!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7