Conversation Between The Joker and Wenzdayz

26 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hey mr J, thanks i was looking at these last night as well. will have to wait to the end of the month though to get them
  2. Hun can you please pm me you're email addy so I can email you that invoice.
    Been so damn busy
  3. Ok cool, ja he will be there.
  4. Oh I also wanna add something to you're pc if I can pull through this weekend. Tell Wiz to be home so we can chat about his gpu.
  5. sent you another msg.

    let me know if you come right
  6. i must be blonde... i cant get it to work...
  7. You have mail
  8. yous is having a sms.... i need your branch code plz
  9. Hey little miss evil

    I went ahead and ordered the parts so long.
    As soon as the cash clears I will pick them up and get you're rig done
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 26
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