Conversation Between The Joker and Wenzdayz

26 Visitor Messages

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  1. you too Mr joker
  2. That's fine

    You have my number if you have questions
    Have a great afternoon little miss evil
  3. I saw, i can only do the transfer tomorrow waiting for my savings account's transfer to my cheque acc to clear.
  4. You have mail xD
  5. Hey little miss Evil

    I can't play tonight Will join you guys this weekend hoprefully.
  6. Will do Mr Joker, i think my bf might need a new Gfx card
  7. Hey little miss Evil

    If you know of anyone interested in getting a kick ass gfx card for around R1000 less than retail send them my way.
  8. Im back
    well sort of...

    Anyway Hope your doing well will see you around.
  9. Hey!!

    Thanks hey, they are going ok-ish. Work is just p-ing me off at the moment. Men can be so useless sometimes you know(my bosses)! Ja we must get Syco to organise again. Will be fun . i will tell him you said hi!
  10. Hey chick.

    Hope the exams are going well

    Ima head outa here

    will def see you when we braai/lan again

    Take care and say Hi to Wiz for me.
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 26
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