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15 Visitor Messages

  1. View Conversation
    lollies! You care so little about our posts that you now want to display to the world that you're ignoring us.

    Thanks for caring Neo.
  2. View Conversation
    You aren't very nice. I actually gave you positive rep for your earlier post. Then I came and wrote a researched reply but you attack me, call me a dumbass and a git.

    That's not nice Neo. I'm disappointed. It's not Christian behaviour and I was hoping for better from you.
  3. View Conversation
    Signature 130px high unless it is an auto gamer card please. Yours is currently 150px high.
  4. View Conversation
    Lol thought u might enjoy this dude
  5. View Conversation
    I lol'd at u having a negative win/lose ratio :<

    I seems if u exit it is counted as a lose
  6. If you're using a cellphone, keep the phone VERY steady...I tried it and it works if I stabilize the phone on a bottle of water lol if I try using free hand it doesn't work
  7. View Conversation
    Why can't I scan that QR code? ;_;
  8. lol I also googled after asking the question and now I'm annoying the crud out of my office mates Cool stuff man, cool stuff.
  9. View Conversation
    Other than having a genuis level intelect.... I googled and did some research for my novel....

    Go Here
  10. buy a donkey.
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About Neo

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Gaming, Music, Cars, Photography


My ignore list: growing too fast to keep updating.


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22-06-2014 05:51 PM
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18-09-2015 10:53 PM
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  1. souluser7
  2. The Joker  The Joker is offline

    Thread Killer MKII

    The Joker
  3. XeroS1x
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