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  1. View Conversation
    Thanks bud

    I'll be plenty busy next year so we might have to make it a weekend if my PC problems aren't sorted out by then.

    Thanks again
  2. View Conversation
    thanks,i already have MSI afterburner.i used it to unlock and change the voltage,i'm looking for a graph that saves itself after it gets closed so i can check on it at a later date since i'm not always on my PC.I'm not sure in which area you live in,i'm not going to be home for a few days since my family is going to have a Christmas party at my grandpa and grandma's.

    I'm in the Pretoria region BTW.
    Thanks for the help
  3. View Conversation
    Do you maybe know a program that keeps recording voltage and temperature on a graph so i can check when it happens and maybe figure out a temporary solution.

    i've heard of people flashing their GPU's bios to fix the problem but i don't know how to do that or how it fixes the problem.
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    Temp usually stay bellow 50'C
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    ah ok,I'm just asking because I've noticed that unlocking the power and turning it up a bit made it so that it happens less frequently.
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    Never mind,found it.

    Edit:what should the voltage be for a Gainward 560ti golden sample?.hardware monitor shows it's 0.95 V and i'm not sure if it's high enough (my GPU drivers go into a none responsive state sometimes and i think it might be the card that not getting enough power)
  7. View Conversation
    I can't find the download button for cpuid,do u have a direct link?
  8. View Conversation
    Thanks,much appreciated.
  9. View Conversation
    Hi,you seem to know allot about hardware (seeing as you own a PC shop) and i was wondering if you could help me with something.I recently bought a PC with a Corsair Hydro Series H100 Extreme Performance Liquid CPU Cooler and i'm not sure how it works or if i'm supposed to add water or something.don't want my system to overheat or do something wrong.

  10. View Conversation
    Very Intresting indeed.
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