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  1. I think that's probably the best way to deal with it
  2. Says you
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    Yip like I always wanted to play professionally and way back when in the early 2000's I was Ace but with age I've become avg lol so no chance for me Will chat to my gf tonight and see what she thinks.
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    Its been going well, had a couple of issues last week but all better now

    Lol mate I don't know hey, I am so busy I don't get time for much these days but I am def keen on starting or getting involved with a new league. E sports has a real future and its growing at an incredibly rate so def something I want to be a part of especially because of how my gaming career was destroyed because SA was so fucked back then...well still fucked lol but you know what I mean.
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    Yeah will def like to have you on board. On the sponsor side of things I am tight with Nvidia, Rectron, Gigabyte ect so not a problem there. Just need to sit down and work things out.

    I am pretty good hey, just working my ass off and always tired lol
    You know I probably watch more Dota than anyone else dude and you really are fucking ace, much better than most if not all the local guys.
  6. View Conversation
    Yip I am bud, doesn't mean I can't run something like it from the States
    Gonna talk to my gf about it. How you doing btw?
  7. View Conversation
    lol thanx bud

    Was actually on Friday, now I am fucking old
  8. View Conversation
    Ek gaan inderdaad. Ek hoor so baie stories van hierdie CBC dat noudat ek in die kaap is moet ek maar myself gaan kyk...
  9. View Conversation
    Not getting off early from work today

    So work.
    Much company.
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About to0kenZA
Somewhere Set West
Games, Cycling, Fishing, People, Music
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26-09-2014 01:15 PM
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11-08-2017 11:06 AM
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    Dakka Dakka

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