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  1. View Conversation
    Depends where you are. lol. Know a ton of over priced places in sa. Also I am in the north so its not to bad here.
  2. View Conversation
    Hey man. I am in the uk now. Leyland.
  3. View Conversation
    How is London? Have not seen you play dota in a while.
  4. View Conversation
    I happen to be in the neighborhood and I noticed your moving to this side of the pond. Where you based Dude?

    I live in Herforshire, which is north of London, but work in the City, Heron Tower in fact. If you are in the area we should go grab a beer or something one day.
  5. View Conversation
    Hahaha never mind :P The issue was sorted out We shall miss you tho!
  6. View Conversation
    Dude can you clean up your inbox. .. .?
  7. View Conversation
    Thanks dude. yeah that would be funny

    Huge step for me. going over at the end of november by myself lucky I have a place to stay. where about are you going in the uk? While I am doing my app process I will be in chorley
  8. View Conversation
    Good bye james. I shall be following you to the uk as you know I am joining the royal marines
  9. View Conversation
    Sup dude, the article you wrote for watch dogs, pic after the video, spelling mistake- Watch Dgos :P
  10. View Conversation
    Yo, no problem. I took a while with this reply as well, haha.

    Ah, thank you. The reason I asked something like that is especially because I'm going into gaming journalism, a field for which there's largely still no dedicated courses, it'd be interesting to know how I can improve my chances to get into a paying job here before I eventually move overseas. And while more degrees improve chances, I've seen a few journalists get better jobs than even those with a string of degrees after their name.

    Of course, I'm not disregarding the importance of more degrees, but I just don't want to study more if it's not necessary.
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About James

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About James
James Etherington-Smith holds a degree in Journalism from the University of Johannesburg. He worked as an IT technician and Matric-level computer sciences tutor before joining MyBroadband and MyGaming in 2009. James currently works as sub-editor and journalist for both websites.
MyGaming Hive
MyGaming Journalist/Admin



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