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  1. View Conversation
    Well as I say I haven't played much of it. A lot of people have played it quite a lot or finished it over on the official forums so you might want to go there and check out there opinions. You might really enjoy it or not. Only way to really tell is trying a demo (I think there might be one on steam, not sure) or by just buying it. Risen 1 took a long time before the price went down so waiting for a price drop before playing it might be a long wait...
  2. View Conversation
    Howzit, so played a bit (3 hours or so) and honestly, Risen 1 is better. Risen 2 is by no means a bad game it just isn't as immersive as you have Patty or other people with you the whole time. Graphics are good, hand gestures happen a lot with npc's, almost to the point of excessive.
    I miss experience (now its glory, so no more level 13 character or whatever, similar to Amalur).
    Overall imo so far, 74, Risen 1 in comparison 92.
  3. View Conversation
    Wish I was, but its a bday gift from the gf so I can only play it on Wednesday. Really stoked to play the game, in fact I have taken a break from all other games over the past week and left the pc off at home so that I can solely focus on that game.
    Have you bought it yet?
  4. View Conversation

    Also, where's my money biatch!
  5. View Conversation
    Bwhaha yes you did make me look.
  6. It was a Collectors Edition pre-order from two months ago, paid for and alles. Giving my competition copy to my room mate as a gift for his b-day he's gona be stoked
  7. View Conversation
    Dude, why u buy sc2?
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Grazing, walking uber slow, staring mindlessly at fences, and the occasional Moo.



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14-05-2012 12:55 PM
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05-11-2015 05:25 PM
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