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  1. View Conversation
    Haha, yes. Don't worry about it. People post under my name from time to time too.
  2. View Conversation
    indeed, sad little shit
  3. View Conversation
    I think it was just because of BF2's old engine. They are going to bring most of the epic gameplay elements from Bad company into BF3. BF3 is going to be amazing dude.
  4. View Conversation
    Yeah dude, I used to have an ATI too before I got my 580. The AMD drivers have some serious issues with this game, but yes, don't let me say "I told you so" :P Battlefield games ftw!
  5. View Conversation
    Yo dude, hmm, we usually play on our server. iGame SS clan server, but more noob friendly servers would be maybe the =UM= (Uprising Mercenaries) clan server and some of the random MWEB servers. Assuming your with MWEB though! Try to stay away from the iGame servers at first because that's where all the really good players hang out most of the time :P. I would also suggest playing on a few hardcore servers as well once you've got it down. That way you can unlock your weapons quicker because it's easier to kill people. A double edged blade though . Just remember dude, don't judge Battlefield too much by BC2 since it's quite a hectic spin-off game. It's much more arcady than the proper BF games. It's like the Mario karts of Super Mario haha. Anyway, good luck dude! Hope you enjoy it- you might just get addicted too ^_^
  6. View Conversation
    Hey man

    You can track your order at - this is your tracking number: ZA0001970053

    It says it was dropped off in the CT depot yesterday afternoon. I called and they told me it's "out on delivery" which means it should arrive at you sometime today. Unfortunately, it's hard to say exactly when it will arrive because it depends on traffic etc.

    If you want to call them you can use your tracking number to try get a more specific location.
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