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  1. View Conversation
    Noticed that you haven't been on the forum in a while. Hope all is well.
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    Yeah, I always go for PC where possible.
  3. View Conversation
    Ok, cool. Thanks for your input.
  4. View Conversation
    You seem like the person to talk to when it comes to Risen. Can you give me some information / feedback?
    How does Risen compare to games like Dragon Age and Elder Scrolls? Story, characters, combat, etc.?
    Is it needed to play Risen 1 before 2?
  5. View Conversation
    My moms boss told my dad that he wants me to work for him. so I am sure I am going to get it.
    But thats pretty cool.

    Yeah I really don't want to go into IT Don't enjoy it anymore.
  6. View Conversation
    I am good thanks. Hopefully I am starting a new job next year. Will be doing solar panel installation for geysers. And I am amped fo heroes 2 as well. I am a huge relic fan. Have you tried Wake of the gods mod for heroes 3? Its epic. Adds so much to the game. And that is good news. Awesome that things are coming right for you
  7. View Conversation
    Howzit man how you keeping these days?
  8. View Conversation
    I'll be playing D3 anyway, I could cave and get Risen 2, but the will of a templar is stronger! :P
  9. Oh, I am. There's just no point in freaking out about it. I have loads of stuff to work through in the meantime and Risen is one of those games I'd like to dedicate some TLC to, so the wait will be okay
  10. Still waiting for my CE

    I'm in no rush though, so it doesn't bug me.
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About simon

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About simon
Same place I was 2 minutes ago
pool, gaming, watching stuff
manager at internet cafe


contact me if you are in Cape Town and looking for PC Hardware at very competitive pricing. We also do web and graphic design.


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09-10-2013 08:30 PM
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28-05-2018 08:57 AM
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  1. Edelweiss
  2. HoboMincer
  3. KofDelight
  4. Lycanthrope
  5. MalicE  MalicE is offline

    Party time! Excellent!

  6. McT  McT is offline

  7. Roomys  Roomys is offline

    Will post for beer

  8. Ross  Ross is offline

  9. The Joker  The Joker is offline

    Thread Killer MKII

    The Joker
  10. toni  toni is offline

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