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    Congrats on getting engaged!
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    That's so weird I was sure I received it! It appears I don't have it! Hmmmmm
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    no problem. I do recommend the game, just don't go in expecting a lot. Try download the demo first though (I presume you on pc as the xbox version was not good at all, apparently).
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    not really like any of those,it is similar to gothic,if you played any of those?
    It is 3rd person rpg,combat requires a lot of blocking,especially when going up against stronger opponents. It is about 50 hours for 1st time players also stars John Rhys Davies (Gimli-LOTR which is cool).
    Not many weapons and spells though - that besides the lower budget(read as development time with regard to character animations and voice acting)of say Elder Scrolls is the only gripe I have against it.
    Risen 1 is better than 2nd,because I loved it I had high hopes for 2nd and was let down, best approach for Risen 2 is to take it as a different game with follow on story.As far as number 1 being essential to playing number 2,somewhat for story,but basically in number one you meet a couple characters who follow through to number 2.
    Elder Scrolls had many side quests,Risen has quite a few but they feel more with the story. I didn't play much of DA(got kinda bored with it)so can't really compare it.
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    Sup dude, here is a newbie's guide to DotA 2; Welcome to DotA, you suck by Purge Gamers. This will give you quite a detailed overview of the game's mechanics. Be warned it has a learning curve, but all the info you find in the guide will be much clearer once you actually start playing
  7. View Conversation
    Congrats boet! Big Prize! Jealous!!!
  8. View Conversation
    Congrats on the tablet! I'm glad you are the winner.
  9. View Conversation
    welcome to mygaming.. out of all the places, you come from nelspruit.. that small little place in mpumalanga... im also from nelspruit.. just thought i'd drop u a message since we're from the same little place.. :P hehe
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