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  1. View Conversation
    Well this will be my fist fps game for online play. I missed out on cod 4 and bf2
  2. View Conversation
    Azi I must admit dragon age was kinda a bore fest. It was fun initially but it got kinda boring after a while. Are you going to get bc2?
  3. View Conversation
    My boss and the lady had a fight so she wanted her laptop back asap so had to return it to her. So could not give it a go.
  4. View Conversation
    Tnx Azi but it seems that asus is the one to blame here microsoft say they can't do anything. But will keep that in mind for other laptops where ppl screw it up or forgot to get a recovery disk.
  5. View Conversation
    I don't see the point in pirating. I have downloaded games but I have owned copies of the original and could not find them again. Like age of mythology. Bought that game on my very first upgrade.
  6. View Conversation
    I just went looking for your articles, having just been capped and not been on the site since the month started, and I wondered what was up until I stumbled upon the "Column" section of the site.. You've (practically) got your own section of the site now (even though it can't be accessed directly from inside the forum, because of lazy programming)... ^_^
    Epic articles as always..
  7. View Conversation
    Jag kan ikke tale Svensk

    Unbedinngt and Fransösich i think it is.

    Sköt om dig. God net
  8. View Conversation
    Socre Bleu!

    Das ist also Franseusisch für "Alte Schwede!", obwohl ich blaube zu mindest so. Es tut mir sehr leid, du müßt nicht unbedengt ins küche bleiben.

    That's German for " <3 " (I doubt babelfish will translate my hillbilly dialect very accurately, due to no fault of its own.)
  9. View Conversation

    Erm, sorry, that's Latin for "oh hai! "
  10. View Conversation
    I must admit, i never figured you for a sims fan. I wrote the MyG World Adventure Review. Would like your opinion of it.
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