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Thread: Dragon Age 2 - XBox demo: Anyone played it yet?

  1. #1
    Grievous's Avatar
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    Default Dragon Age 2 - XBox demo: Anyone played it yet?

    Just wondering if they have improved the controls for the xbox. I played the 1st one on pc and loved it, but thinking i might get it on xbox this time round. Anyone got any comments on what dragon age 1 was like on the xbox as well?

  2. #2
    Grievous's Avatar
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    I guess thats a no

  3. #3
    The Hoff
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    lol shame dude, I am sure someone has. Maybe they playing that why they haven't replied

  4. #4


    Well I haven't played it on the 360 but I have on the PS3 so maybe I can help?

    The controls have improved an enormous amount for the consoles! It feel so much more fluid and easy to access. I can see the shit hitting the fan when the PC gamers find out that the control interface has been consolized though
    It is a helluva lot easier to manage than the DAO (Which I got for my PS3) so yeah, I'd say go for the console version. I think it'll be a lot better than the PC version just based off the fact that the control are more console suited than PC, and because of the new art direction the graphics look great and the frame rate if excellent .

    Hope that helps!
    "All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible."

    - T.E. Lawrence

  5. #5
    No Hobbits Allowed Isengard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duke Dude View Post
    Well I haven't played it on the 360 but I have on the PS3 so maybe I can help?

    The controls have improved an enormous amount for the consoles! It feel so much more fluid and easy to access. I can see the shit hitting the fan when the PC gamers find out that the control interface has been consolized though
    It is a helluva lot easier to manage than the DAO (Which I got for my PS3) so yeah, I'd say go for the console version. I think it'll be a lot better than the PC version just based off the fact that the control are more console suited than PC, and because of the new art direction the graphics look great and the frame rate if excellent .

    Hope that helps!
    I would disagree. I played the PC version and the game controls exactly like Origins. The UI has indeed been consolised and looks like utter crap. I played it at 1080p and it never went bellow 50fps, which looks really stunning with the new lighting system. This is why I'm getting the PC version rather than the PS3 version this time.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Isengard View Post
    I would disagree. I played the PC version and the game controls exactly like Origins. The UI has indeed been consolised and looks like utter crap.
    Hence my decision to go with the console version. The UI has been consolized so therefore I would have to say that it handles better on a console than the PC (I have played the PC demo at a friend ). DA2 looks COMPLETELY different to DA:O. DA:O had a more grittier and dark feeling to it, the world looked like it came out of a dark fantasy book. DA2 on the other hand looks more "washed" in the sense that it looks more cartoony (Not a lot, but a little. Yes.) and the world seems lighter and more friendly.

    When it comes to controls I would have to say that it does feel different/easier to manage than it was if DA:O. The UI and controls felt clunky for a console RPG, which has now been remedied. The UI might not look pretty but it handles brilliantly (On console. I had a tiny bit of trouble on the PC).

    Obviously the PC version will be way better graphically! So if you want the best looking version then go for the PC version.

    I played it at 1080p and it never went bellow 50fps, which looks really stunning with the new lighting system. This is why I'm getting the PC version rather than the PS3 version this time.
    We both agree on this point, I never said otherwise . I do disagree with the PC is better than the PS3 bit though.
    Last edited by Duke Dude; 28-02-2011 at 10:57 AM.
    "All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible."

    - T.E. Lawrence

  7. #7
    No Hobbits Allowed Isengard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duke Dude View Post
    Hence my decision to go with the console version. The UI has been consolized so therefore I would have to say that it handles better on a console than the PC (I have played the PC demo at a friend ). DA2 looks COMPLETELY different to DA:O. DA:O had a more grittier and dark feeling to it, the world looked like it came out of a dark fantasy book. DA2 on the other hand looks more "washed" in the sense that it looks more cartoony (Not a lot, but a little. Yes.) and the world seems lighter and more friendly.

    When it comes to controls I would have to say that it does feel different/easier to manage than it was if DA:O. The UI and controls felt clunky for a console RPG, which has now been remedied. The UI might not look pretty but it handles brilliantly (On console. I had a tiny bit of trouble on the PC).

    Obviously the PC version will be way better graphically! So if you want the best looking version then go for the PC version.

    We both agree on this point, I never said otherwise . I do disagree with the PC is better than the PS3 bit though.
    I guess we can agree to disagree on that point . My main concern is not how consolised the menu is, but how crap it's looking right now. If you compare it to Origins there's a distinct difference in quality, it almost feels like the demo just contained a placeholder menu. I hope I'm right, because tens of hours of looking at that crap is going to give me a migraine.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Isengard View Post
    I guess we can agree to disagree on that point . My main concern is not how consolised the menu is, but how crap it's looking right now. If you compare it to Origins there's a distinct difference in quality, it almost feels like the demo just contained a placeholder menu. I hope I'm right, because tens of hours of looking at that crap is going to give me a migraine.
    Yeah in terms of how the menu looks and operates, then Origins' was helluva lot better! I wouldn't get my hopes up though, the game is released in just over week now and there isn't anytime to change it without it being as buggy as hell (Which I don't think they'll risk).
    "All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible."

    - T.E. Lawrence

  9. #9
    Grievous's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duke Dude View Post
    Well I haven't played it on the 360 but I have on the PS3 so maybe I can help?

    The controls have improved an enormous amount for the consoles! It feel so much more fluid and easy to access. I can see the shit hitting the fan when the PC gamers find out that the control interface has been consolized though
    It is a helluva lot easier to manage than the DAO (Which I got for my PS3) so yeah, I'd say go for the console version. I think it'll be a lot better than the PC version just based off the fact that the control are more console suited than PC, and because of the new art direction the graphics look great and the frame rate if excellent .

    Hope that helps!
    HAHA, of course you can, I didnt even think of asking in regards to the PS3. But yeah i finally downloaded it this weekend and have to agree with you. I'm getting it on the xbox.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Gir View Post
    HAHA, of course you can, I didnt even think of asking in regards to the PS3. But yeah i finally downloaded it this weekend and have to agree with you. I'm getting it on the xbox.
    Sweet! Gonna be an EPIC game
    "All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible."

    - T.E. Lawrence

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