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Thread: Recording BF3

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Recording BF3

    My specs:

    i5 - 2500k
    Gigabyte Z68UD4
    8gb Kingston 1600MHZ HyperbluX
    XFX ATI 5870

    I've tried:

    1: Fraps

    - noticeable FPS drop ingame (from ~80 FPS to 60 FPS) also seems jittery.
    - large files (easily converted down using Format Factory)

    2: Bandicam

    + no noticeable FPS drop ingame (~5 to 10 FPS) no jitter at all
    - not great quality on default. (at 100% quality size starts becoming a problem)
    - video seems to jitter at 24/30 FPS


    What program/settings have you found works best?

  2. #2


    I've used Fraps and from what I can see, your hard drive speed makes a HUGE difference.

    I tried recording to my 2TB 5900 rpm, just slows down to like 20fps.. Recording to my external, hardly any drop in frame rate.

    Gonna try pick up some 1TB's 7200 rpm to do recording. My external is only a 250gb

  3. #3


    Hadn't though of that. I'm also recording to a 5900rpm 2TB, but my Battlefield is on it. Will try recording to an external. Noticed a better fps recoding to a different internal drive, problem is that its my windows drive with 40GB free :/

    Now I'm really keen to set my RAID up I've been putting it off since October.

    Shot for the input, I was hoping for an easier way out.

  4. #4
    PaPaRaZZ!'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Apparently this is really good. read up about it, seems legit

  5. #5
    to0kenZA's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Somewhere Set West


    Quote Originally Posted by PaPaRaZZ! View Post
    Apparently this is really good. read up about it, seems legit
    Yeah I use dxtory as well as FRAPS. Dxtory has some cool functions too like limiting your FPS. Nice app.

  6. #6


    I use dxtory to limit my fps when playing skyrim with Vsync off. Very handy.

  7. #7


    Bandicam locks fps too. Recorded some games last night trying different settings. Seems no matter what settings, high or low, I get jitter. It must be hdd related. RAID here we come. Now to decide whether I want BF3 on the RAID or on the 2TB 5900rpm?
    Last edited by DeaDm0nkeY; 11-01-2012 at 09:35 AM. Reason: Typo

  8. #8


    I would choose traps and if you want the full version go on you tube and search cobrajoe999 it will show you how to get the FULL version FREE

  9. #9


    Okay I got it right eventually with Fraps: Half-Size, almost any fps...

    Just had to change the processor affinity to use only one core.

    Also recording to a separate drive to your game is important.

    I shall be spamming youtube soon.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by DeaDm0nkeY View Post
    Okay I got it right eventually with Fraps: Half-Size, almost any fps...

    Just had to change the processor affinity to use only one core.

    Also recording to a separate drive to your game is important.

    I shall be spamming youtube soon.
    On a 5900rpm drive?

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