With Mass Effect 3 around the corner I figured we need a general discussion thread.
With Mass Effect 3 around the corner I figured we need a general discussion thread.
To Murph & Czc: the music in that trailer is goosebump inducing. Sounds like another track from 2 Steps from hell.
I'm picking up the overlord & Kasumi's stole memory dlc tomorrow and then I'm ready for my Pre-ME3 play through of ME2.
I played through the demo on Xbox 360 on Friday night, and died frequently, particularly in the second section. It took me a fair amount of time to get to grip with the control and movement of my character, which felt awkward at times.
Nevertheless, this is a game that I would like to buy as soon as it hits the bargain bins.
Thumbs up.
=|This space for rent|=