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Thread: Gaming laptops?

  1. #1

    Default Gaming laptops?

    I seriously want a laptop and there's no use in me spending money on both a laptop and a new PC, since mine is ancient. So I need advice for a laptop that will play games. I'm not looking for something that will play games yet to be released. I just want to play The Witcher 2 (even if I must turn down the graphics) and older games. My bugdet is below R10 000. Actually it's below R8000. Maybe even below R7000 if that's possible. I know nothing about specs and I'm clueless should it have a graphics card or not.

    Any advice?

  2. #2


    I would strongly, no strongly, no STRONGLY.. STRONGLY recommend that you rather get a desktop if your budget is below 7k and you want to game. You will be able to get a decent desktop for gaming, but you won't be able to get a decent notebook for gaming at that price. Sorry.

  3. #3
    Thread Killer Mk III Wenzdayz's Avatar
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    Jip im with Wyzak here... if your budget is 7k rather get the desktop. otherwise your gonna have to save more as i think you will need about 12k for a decent-ish gaming laptop.
    Quote Originally Posted by Eugene View Post
    Hello WinzEveryDayz.

  4. #4
    axon1988's Avatar
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    Yeah and ask Joker for some help on this! He can organize a really nice gaming system for R7000...
    Please keep all extremities tucked in...

  5. #5


    That's grim :/ Okay what if I want a laptop that can play, lets say Mass Effect 1?

  6. #6
    Ichigo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Achtung!Baby View Post
    That's grim :/ Okay what if I want a laptop that can play, lets say Mass Effect 1?
    Dont think there is any laptops for that price without having an onboard graphics, but if the onboard graphics can run it fine it should work.

    Only once I had GMA graphics card onboard and it ran all the games on low/medium.

    You should look at the Lenovo range you may be able to get a good graphics card on it for under R10k

    Lenovo IdeaPad Z Series Z570 for R7319.01 with good graphics card NVIDIA Geforce GT520M 1GB Graphics

    Lenovo IdeaPad Z Series Z570 for R7999.99 with good graphics card NVIDIA Geforce GT520M 1GB Graphics
    Last edited by Ichigo; 27-03-2012 at 04:05 PM.

    Ichigo Ftw

  7. #7


    If the laptop is going to cost me R8000 I might as well buy a R4000/5000 one and an xbox so I can play The Witcher 2 and Splinter Cell Conviction. Think I'll just do that :/ Thanks guys. Think I've got my solution.

  8. #8
    axon1988's Avatar
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    Yeah rather go down that path then... GLWS @ Achtung!Baby

    You know what I can always try and find nice prices for you in PMB! WE could even go look for it together, would save you a lot of pain in the end of the day.
    Please keep all extremities tucked in...

  9. #9
    Ron Burgundy Dohc-WP's Avatar
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    all current intel laptops i3/i5/i7's have the HD graphics intergrated on the cpu and the performance is roughly equivalent to an Radeon 5450 desktop gpu's imo.

  10. #10
    bradbear117's Avatar
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    From what I've seen a R7000.00 laptop can only do what a R3000.00 desktop can do. Office work.
    It is flippin unfortunate.

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