That statement is indicative of the mentality for a large portion of WoW's user-base.
I can understand how you feel about WoW. I may not have worried about the lore or story too much, but overall WoW has become a franchise that is directed at the lowest common denominator and making as much money as possible. With this came a watering down if you will, of many of its aspects.
I will never say technically WoW is trash, in fact I would say the exact opposite. Blizzard always seem to strike pure genius when it comes to appealing to a large an audience as possible. Sadly though we are in the vast minority with our feelings about WoW (Blizzard as a whole), and while I get why so many people like WoW, I have grown to hate it.
Watch me be a hypocrite and try the new expansion. There is something about Blizzard's hype that always seems to make be buy into the concept - they really are true masters of that!