View Poll Results: Do you BUY gear from the Diablo 3 Auction House?

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  • Yes

    16 57.14%
  • No

    12 42.86%
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Thread: Do you BUY gear from the Diablo 3 Auction House?

  1. #1

    Default Do you BUY gear from the Diablo 3 Auction House?

    Before I bought the game I planned on never using the AH and didn't think it'd ever be necessary to do so. Having just gotten to inferno with my barbarian, I've still not bought anything off there, but sold some items to have a decent amount of gold.

    I believe the item-dropping in the game has been designed with the AH in mind, so I'd expect to see lots more shite drops than I would otherwise. This factor is making me seriously reconsider. I'm going to play inferno for a while first to see how things progress and whether or not I could maybe grind away at searching for items for lots of hours. If it reaches a point where I feel I've spent sooo much time and received bollocks in return, I might just give in and use the AH. And for me, that effectively kills half the fun in the game Hopefully item-hunting doesn't go that badly!

    So, do you use the auction house to buy gear? And what are your thoughts on this?

  2. #2
    MOnk's Avatar
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    I believe the item-dropping in the game has been designed with the AH in mind
    This has been confirmed by blues.

  3. #3
    Ichigo's Avatar
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    I may purchase stuff off AH for gold but not real cash and may use it to make myself money if possible.

    Getting my Diablo 3 CE tommorow yay

    Ichigo Ftw

  4. #4
    The Piper Necuno's Avatar
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    [ ] YES
    [ ] NO
    [X] Not yet
    // Previously known as Blind Faith or Pr⊕phet
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  5. #5
    Thread Killer MKII The Joker's Avatar
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    Well honestly you really don't need to buy anything from AH till you start playing Inferno.
    Then you're forced to buy stuff from the AH. Seeing as gear for inferno only really starts dropping in inferno act III lol
    Its really messed up. Also the guys coining it are the ones that exploited the wizard and DH bugs and they now have the most insane gear, seeing as they charge a premium for items on AH and they get the good drops.

    So yeah, you are forced to do it. If you don't and you get past act II without skipping 90% of the Elite packs I'll be amazed.

    Edit: This is coming from someone that is playing ACT II Inferno. I know what it takes to survive..its fucking insane.
    Last edited by The Joker; 01-06-2012 at 09:45 AM.
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  6. #6
    Avatar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Joker View Post
    Well honestly you really don't need to buy anything from AH till you start playing Inferno.
    Then you're forced to buy stuff from the AH. Seeing as gear for inferno only really starts dropping in inferno act III lol
    Its really messed up. Also the guys coining it are the ones that exploited the wizard and DH bugs and they now have the most insane gear, seeing as they charge a premium for items on AH and they get the good drops.
    This is the only part of the game that's bothered me thus far. Well, you know. When I could get on to be bothered by it. I bought myself yellow weapons at lvl 40, with the idea to carry on with those until I hit Hell ~Act 3, but I had to buy them, as drops only ever gave me items of 5-10 lvls below me.. What's the point in that? I might start up a toon and pace it to be 5-10 lvl behind my main, then I can recycle, but other than that, it's a waste!

  7. #7
    The Legendary Troll Hunter OmegaFenix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pr⊕phet View Post
    [ ] YES
    [ ] NO
    [X] Not yet

    I've bought some gems mostly to beef up my Barfairy. I did see a awesome wand for my Wizard that was tempting.
    "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"

  8. #8
    No Hobbits Allowed Isengard's Avatar
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    Not so much, I prefer finding my gear from drops, makes me a appreciate it more. I've only bought a dagger, that has been replaced by a blue drop.

  9. #9
    MOnk's Avatar
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    Would be interesting to know how far the guys saying no have gotten. Did you manage to make it all the way through Hell without finding you needed to buy even one piece of gear?

  10. #10
    No Hobbits Allowed Isengard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOnk View Post
    Would be interesting to know how far the guys saying no have gotten. Did you manage to make it all the way through Hell without finding you needed to buy even one piece of gear?
    I play with a full group and we share items among our selves. We are nearly at the end of nightmare and it's going well so far. I think we only really buy weapons.

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