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Thread: Web Africa boosts gaming and drops uncapped ADSL prices

  1. #1
    MyGaming Alumnus James's Avatar
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    Default Web Africa boosts gaming and drops uncapped ADSL prices

    Web Africa boosts gaming and drops uncapped ADSL prices

    Web Africa had dropped uncapped ADSL prices, and is restructuring its network with benefits to gamers

  2. #2
    Local caffeine junky matt's Avatar
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    Johannesburg, SA


    That's awesome! I was considering paying an extra R100 to move to MWeb uncapped from my 50GB at WA, but this is R60 cheaper than I'm paying now to stay with WA, and upgrade to uncapped.

    And they sent out a mail this morning to say they're moving to the IS backbone, so I won't get routed via Cape Town, and hopefully I'll get better ping times.

    Does anyone know what network they are leaving to move over to IS?

  3. #3


    I'm sceptical. But since my line is managed by WA and I have a small capped account with them, if the feedback is good, I'll move over for sure.
    Edit: And by move over, I mean cancel my mweb uncapped and go for WA.
    Last edited by Cicero; 04-02-2013 at 10:15 AM.

  4. #4
    Local caffeine junky matt's Avatar
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    The biggest thing for me is if this move to IS is going to make things better or worse, and how the uncapped account performs compare to the capped account, and if they shape and/or throttle it a lot. But considering that it'll save me money to sommer change over to the uncapped account, it sounds like a good move to me.

  5. #5
    Coheed's Avatar
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    Immediately looked at their 2 Mbps uncapped account and really digging the price. Might see a latency increase for us Cape Town users however once the IS migration is complete, but don't think it will really affect me that much. I'm amazed there is so much pessimism among the community, why can't people just try it out first. Jeepers.

  6. #6
    Local caffeine junky matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coheed View Post
    Immediately looked at their 2 Mbps uncapped account and really digging the price. Might see a latency increase for us Cape Town users however once the IS migration is complete, but don't think it will really affect me that much. I'm amazed there is so much pessimism among the community, why can't people just try it out first. Jeepers.
    I'm totally trying it out, I'm on WA already anyway, so I'm basically paying less to upgrade to uncapped. Whether it's better or worse on IS, we'll see.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Coheed View Post
    Immediately looked at their 2 Mbps uncapped account and really digging the price. Might see a latency increase for us Cape Town users however once the IS migration is complete, but don't think it will really affect me that much. I'm amazed there is so much pessimism among the community, why can't people just try it out first. Jeepers.
    Lol, the reason why people are pessimistic I think is mainly because they moved to IS. The same guys where Afrihost had a PR disaster with their uncapped products when they started up and many people jumped ship. Yes it was a long time ago, but people dont forget easily.

  8. #8

    Join Date
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    Cheaper internet for the win, but I think that something to needs to come down, is telkom's line rental price.
    Also saw the article about afrihosts top users this morning in your news letter, wow some people really know how to burn up their line.

  9. #9
    Local caffeine junky matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by codeleather View Post
    Cheaper internet for the win, but I think that something to needs to come down, is telkom's line rental price.
    I absolutely agree, or at the very least not force us into analogue line rental. But Telkom has all the power, and no incentive to bring the prices down, so I can't see that happening any time soon.

  10. #10


    Damn, upgraded to a 4mb line and WA uncapped 4mb - got enticed by hearing good gaming etc etc.

    Speed is bad, damn. Barely over 2mb speeds at best.

    On my afrihost capped account I can stream 720p no problem. I've asked WA to check it out, I dont think its normal for the account, just telling you guys of my experience so far.

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