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Thread: World of Warcraft PvP

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  1. #1
    Shamrock's Avatar
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    Default World of Warcraft PvP

    I thought of opening this thread since I'm a pretty good PvPer in WoW. I'm currently playing on a private arena tournament server (TBC) due to absolutely hating WotLK PvP, but the skill level there is pretty high, equal to rated.

    I've gotten 2200 rating as Druid/Warrior, playing both sides, 1900 playing RMP as Rogue, 1800 as an Elemental Shaman/BM Hunter (playing Shaman) and I've got a pretty good understanding of how to PvP.

    Regardless of class, I can say pretty conclusively that PvP on its own. You're probably looking at 50% PvP skill, 50% class skill.

    Anyway, my idea in starting this is to give people advice on PvPing, arena specifically. If you have any questions or need any help with any class let me know and I'll post some tips. I'm pretty good with most classes.

    In general I'll expand this to explain PvP as a general subject but I wanted to see if this would work/be helpful to anyone :P
    Couscous; the food so nice they named it twice

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    If I ever get back into playing WoW I will certainly need your help. PvP is the worst thing for me, and I have seen you play. I am very amazed.

    Hope you can be of help to some of the other WoW players on here.

  3. #3
    Dax's Avatar
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    I played World of Warcraft for 5/6 years all the way since vanilla WoW. I quit roughly 3 months ago after having got very bored with WotLK, but one thing I could NEVER get into (try as I might), was PvP. I could just never get the hang of killing the opposition quicker than they killed me. I always just blamed it on them having 60ms and me having 250ms, then I'd just give up with arenas and go back to questing/raiding. Regardless of that though I always tried to get back into it.

    It would be nice to see some videos you've made Shamrock, I'd love to see how you play and what your strategies are. I've always played a Rogue when PvPing so would be nice to get some advice on that.

  4. #4
    Riaan's Avatar
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    Shamrock, I got a problem beating a DK in a fight, I play a arcane mage, I admit in frost spec its easier but would love to be able to own a DK time and time again, I can do proper dmg but the thing is the DK seem to heal me every time I try and get away from him, fact that he almost break his sword on my head every time he gets to me does not help at all, is there anything that can help me in a DK fight ?

  5. #5
    Shamrock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dax View Post
    I played World of Warcraft for 5/6 years all the way since vanilla WoW. I quit roughly 3 months ago after having got very bored with WotLK, but one thing I could NEVER get into (try as I might), was PvP. I could just never get the hang of killing the opposition quicker than they killed me. I always just blamed it on them having 60ms and me having 250ms, then I'd just give up with arenas and go back to questing/raiding. Regardless of that though I always tried to get back into it.

    It would be nice to see some videos you've made Shamrock, I'd love to see how you play and what your strategies are. I've always played a Rogue when PvPing so would be nice to get some advice on that.
    That's a good idea, I'll make a video of me doing some 2s/BGs. I'll try pump it out next weekend or something :P

    Quote Originally Posted by Riaan View Post
    Shamrock, I got a problem beating a DK in a fight, I play a arcane mage, I admit in frost spec its easier but would love to be able to own a DK time and time again, I can do proper dmg but the thing is the DK seem to heal me every time I try and get away from him, fact that he almost break his sword on my head every time he gets to me does not help at all, is there anything that can help me in a DK fight ?
    Death Knights take some practice, but there is a good way to go about it...I'm also at a bit of a disadvantage as I've never played DK but I'll try and give you some advice.

    I couldn't find many good guides for Mages but I got an idea of what a Death Knight will do against a Mage. Speccing Arcane you have an advantage as you have a lot of instant casts so the odds of you getting interrupted are quite low unless you're using a filler.

    That's probably your best talent spec for fighting Death Knights. You'll have a good amount of CC/Counter-CC to fight against him with. You'll also have to take a much more defensive stance against them and avoid burning CDs until it's absolutely necessary.

    The main intention of a DK is going to be to root you and bait your Blink so he can pull you back again. My suggestion would be to use that spec and get the Icey Veins glyph.

    Open up aggressive (Arcane Barrage, Fire Blast and depending on the circumstance PoM/Arcane Blast) and as soon as you can pop Slow on him. He should be in range now and should root you. Use Icey Veins, Cone of Cold and get distance, he should use Death Grip. Frost Nova + Blink.

    With Icey Veins still up you should be able to get in a fast Arcane Blast, then burn up all your instant casts and keep him slowed. By the time he reaches you, you can Ice Block. Quickly pop out of it before he can get all his health back. Your movement slowing effects should be back up so you can use them. The CD for Death Grip is only 35 seconds but luckily your Blink and Frost spells have shorter CDs, mostly.

    You should have a fresh Cone of Cold/Frost Nova and Blink to use, depending. By the time you've made it through all this your instant casts should be ready for reuse as well and you should be able to burn him down.

    Let me know if that doesn't work and I'll try and think up another strat. Bit tricky since the only experience I've had is as an Arcane Mage, prior to the current patch as well.

    As a last point the little bastards might pop their Anti-Magic shit, which is completely OP but you can also Spell Steal/LoS for the 5-7 seconds.

    Also remember, the PvP trinket can be a big help as well.
    Couscous; the food so nice they named it twice

  6. #6
    Riaan's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    sweet.. will try it out and give feedback

  7. #7
    Shamrock's Avatar
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    Did it work? If you're Human you can also use your racial. All about keeping distance.
    Couscous; the food so nice they named it twice

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