that page it's on, is the one for your laptop.
that page it's on, is the one for your laptop.
Ok got this problem and its annoying the HELL OUTTA ME
Whenever going into any game even old ones and i Alt+tab to go into Vent or something and go back in the game, everytime i click a button (in game button not k/b) or press enter to chat it freezes for like 5 Secs and then continues, i have formatted TWICE now because of this. But funny enough if i kill explorer.exe and run the game from Task Manager its fine???
one of those weird random ones........
how much ram you got, and CPU speed?
well you are not underspecced as you said even old games.
btw old games i mean like StarCraft and WarCraft 3 :P and obviously done the whole Virus scan, malware adware etc etc
It won't be that hey.
Stupid question/suggestion. Try running any of the games in windowed mode. see what happens if you still ALT-TAB and get to your chat app, and go back to the game.
Will give it a crack tonight, shot