Anyone else playing it, still got to start mine and managed to get hold of the Dark Collectors edition one.
What you guys think of it so far? What is your favourite characters? Mine is Spyro and Bash.
Anyone else playing it, still got to start mine and managed to get hold of the Dark Collectors edition one.
What you guys think of it so far? What is your favourite characters? Mine is Spyro and Bash.
Ichigo Ftw
playing it with my little brother, it's a lot better than the previous two. more fun than I gave it credit.
favourite character Trigger Happy
Play games, not platforms
Cool I also use Trigger Happy here from Original Skylanders and I found first one fun so I should really enjoy the new one so will try it tonight hopefully if the house is quiet enough.
Have to always fight for the TV as people want to watch DSTV while I want to play.
I also bought Giants too so should I try that first or last? Also whats the point of swapping characters, is there any special reason for it got two of them here?
Last edited by Ichigo; 14-01-2014 at 03:07 PM.
Ichigo Ftw
My 4 year old son and I play. He loves Eye-Brawler and I like Night Shift. Really fun to play. I sense that this could be a real money sucker as there are always more Skylanders to buy.
There is a really cool ios app (free) where you can log all your Skylanders.
Is there an android version sound interesting? Not sure if I have seen Eye-Brawler or Night Shift in the shops where did you get them.
Whats their special skills only know the original ones?
Skylanders is like pokemon so every game will take your hard earned cash. I also heard there is a pc version, but never tried it.
Last edited by Ichigo; 14-01-2014 at 03:22 PM.
Ichigo Ftw
Sadly there is only a free ios app. I did find an android app for sale, Google should help you. carries a great variety at good prices. We have mostly bought our Skylanders at Toys r Us, Musica and Look and Listen. All seem to have a standard price.
Oh ok I usually look at Reggies or ToysRus for my stuff but do find Musica has a few specials on old figures so I buy sometimes there.
Managed to get a rare figure from Musica which was the Polar Whirlwind. I still wonder why 3 packs are so cheap compared to the single packs, you end up saving so much especially if you need all 3.
Ichigo Ftw
we have all the skylanders games and nearly all the figurines, short the series 3 ones. they have new powers
8 year olds eish...
Play games, not platforms
Need a dig swap guy to get everything from the first level so have to visit Reggies sometime so I can carry on to first town![]()
Ichigo Ftw