I know the people who are playing MW2 have a steam group but thought it would be cool to have a thread where in everyone just posts their Steam User ID so we can build our own MyGaming Steam community. Just add you Steam User ID below.
_Caboose_ _Caboose_24
AuToPh0b1A AuToPh0b1A
Avatar Avatar
Crzwaco CrazyWaco
Daederus Daederus
Deceptor Deceptor
dude#73 huzi73
Fivel fivelza
fridgevr fr1dg3vr817
Grimspoon Grimspoon
Isengard Isengard
JackBauer pietpompies3
Necuno JadeX667
Nemesis jsnx99
OmegaFenix22 OmegaFenix22
PaPaRaZZ! tbasson
phant1m phant1mh
S!Ko SiKo_ZA
Sanji Sanji_ZA
SharkBait SharkBait
Slipperyduck [grrr]leelo
Sockmonkey sockmonkeyza
Stalkerh Stalkerh
SubOracle SubOracle
sycogrim Sycogrim
Voicy VoicyZA
Blaze786 [U7Z] Obituaryan ?
DuncanBell Terak or duncanbellsa ?
Tank tankstorm ?