Gaming PC on a PS4 budget: SA pricing
Can you build a decent gaming rig for the same price as the PlayStation 4? We found out
Gaming PC on a PS4 budget: SA pricing
Can you build a decent gaming rig for the same price as the PlayStation 4? We found out
Yes, and then 5 years from now, will that same PC still run the games that came out in 2019 on quality graphics settings?
4690k @4.5ghz |CM SEIDON 120V PLUS |CM HAF 932 |ASRock Fatal1ty Z97 Killer | 16GB DDR3 | 2x Saphire RX480 Nitro+ OC| 2x256GB SSD RAID0 | 850w Corsair PSU
My ignore list: n/a
Other things to keep in mind:
You pay a gazillion $s for PS4 games
The pc is way more versatile.
CPUs have reached the point where you no longer have to have the best to game decently, so a gpu change should suffice to get you back to running the new games at -most probably - better graphic settings than the PS4, when the time comes. (Also, with all the money you'll save from not having to buy $1million games, this will be easily achieved.)
i love my PC, but i still prefer to game on my XBOX. if i had the money to spend, i would still choose to go with the PS4. the argument about PC games being cheaper is certainly one to bear in mind, but PS PLUS has definately gone a long way to balancing out that situation.
Precisely. When Uncharted 2 came out Naughty Dog had said they'd pushed the PS3 to it's limits, and then when Uncharted 3 came out the graphics were even better. Then compare both those games to The Last of Us. So it's all about optimization and getting comfortable with the hardware.
Trie but those efficiency tweaks aren't exclusive to consoles, as things advance games become more effective on their hardware. If you want to keep your PC at High end then you will be constantly upgrading but I still have a PC downstairs from 4-5 years ago that can still run current games at decent levels, maybe not max but at medium it still looks like the max settings I got when it was new.
My ignore list: n/a
I would also go with the PS4 purely from a longevity point of view... The cost of the games is a factor yet... But the time i have to play games these days im not buying so many anyway...