Hi All
Please post the link to your Steam profile in this thread.
The MyGaming Community group can be found here: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/MyGamingZa#
Membership is by invite only, so just ask anyone from this list to invite you.
Forum Name Steam Username Steam Profile AlienTaker AlienTaker AlienTaker AlphaJohn AlphaJohn alphajohn ArchieChoke ArchieChoke ArchieChoke Armitag3 Armitag3 Armitag3 Avatar Avatar njardus B1nary Pr0fPyr0 Pr0fPyr0 BeoTek BeoTek BeoTeK Blazzok Blazzok blazzok bradbear117 brad_coetzee brad_coetzee chan0o Virulent0o virulent0o ClockworkNinja DaClockworkNinja DaClockworkNinja Crableg Crableg Crableg Crzwaco CrzWaco crzwaco CyberDemon Wushu CyberDemon czc CzechCrusader czc DarthMol DarthMol DarthMol deadlypinecone Deadlypinecone deadlypinecone Deceptor Lonthor Lonthor DieGrootHammer DieGrootH@mmer diegroothammer Dohc-WP Dohc-WP dohcwp Donisia Donisia Donisia DrDeth DrDeth drdeth Edelweiss You know what else is pink? starfish2 Eugene MetalSoup MetalSoup FarligOpptreden FarligOpptreden farligopptreden Fivel Fivel Fivelza Flex Flex Flex FriedPet Nebula Prophet NebulaProphet GCF_Undefined adamdburton _Undefined Gforced JasonTodd gforc3D GregRedd GregRedd GregRedd Grievous General Grievous Grievous Hagan Hagan haganza Hiro HiroZA hiroza Jaco Smit jacosmitza jacosmitza Jaime McKane Nasrudin NasrudinZA James Hornet NightTimeHornets Jan Sigstart sigstart Keepa34 keepa34 keepa34 KingKrush M3ND4C17Y M3ND4C17Y Kokkerot Kokkerot Kokkerot Kwaai Yezzy yezzywp MalicE MalicE Malice Mister 44 Mister 44 Mister_44 MOnk Lantre Lantre mottamort mottamort mottamort murfle Disco Bear DiscoBear oltman oltman oltman phalen phalen phalen78 PsychoFish PsychoFish PsychoFish Reavs Reavs Reavs8005 Shrike Boersewors boersewors Solitude Solitude solitudesa Southpaw DanDaLion DanDaLionZA StaggerLee StaggerLee84 StaggerLee84 Stefan9 interfan Stefan9 The_Imp_ZA Tenacious D theflyingscotsman_za Tydmors Tydmors Tydmors ViperGTI ViperGTI ViperGTI VirtualForce VirtualForce virtualforce Weasley SirDieALot WeasleyAfslaan Wlad Myrdlok myrdlok Wyvern WyvrenZA WyvrenZA Wyzak wyzak wyzak Xiphan Xiphan Xiphan z1oc z1oc z1oc