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Thread: Your PC more powerful than the Steam average?

  1. #1

    Default Your PC more powerful than the Steam average?

    Is your PC more powerful than the Steam average?

    Does your PC beat the Steam average?

  2. #2
    No Hobbits Allowed Isengard's Avatar
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    It doesn't take much...

  3. #3
    phoenix's Avatar
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    Well this is a pleasant surprise! Mine does. :-) Looking at the system requirements for new titles such as "The Witcher" shows that my machine is falling behind. [Currently inclined towards going full console rather than to maintain a gaming-grade PC.]
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  4. #4
    Mr. Nice Guy Solitude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phoenix View Post
    Well this is a pleasant surprise! Mine does. :-) Looking at the system requirements for new titles such as "The Witcher" shows that my machine is falling behind. [Currently inclined towards going full console rather than to maintain a gaming-grade PC.]
    Wouldn't the cost of games plus a console be more in expensive over 5 years than a gaming pc with bundle and special offer games during the same period? Plus you can use the pc for more.


    It would make for a good article methinks.
    Last edited by Solitude; 20-01-2015 at 10:26 AM.

  5. #5
    Thread Killer MKII The Joker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Solitude View Post
    Wouldn't the cost of games plus a console be more in expensive over 5 years than a gaming pc with bundle and special offer games during the same period? Plus you can use the pc for more.


    It would make for a good article methinks.
    Well the cost of gaming on a new gen console is insane, people always say that console gaming is much cheaper than having a decent gaming pc...They're mad.
    I've now owned a PS4 and I can tell you now that its not cheap...not even slightly.

    I think it was true for the previous gen, you could pick up a console for a fairly reasonable price and 2nd hand games were pretty cheap but this new gen...its crazy.

    PS4 Bundle: 500GB Console + The Last of Us + DriveClub R6899
    That's before you even start looking at games and an extra controller.
    Last edited by The Joker; 20-01-2015 at 10:33 AM.
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  6. #6
    phoenix's Avatar
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    So far as consoles are concerned, my policy is not to buy them when they are quite new on the market, but to wait for the redesign/shrink to happen, and then look at buying one. I have a PSN+ subscription, so I pay around R700 a year for a decent selection of "free" games. I also don't buy games on release, but get mine second-hand, or buy the game when it is re-released on a budget label. [Of course, the same holds true for PC games.] I was looking at the cost of building a new, high performance gaming PC for my 40th birthday, or having one assembled for me by the likes of Wootware or Evetech. Such a build easily exceeded R10 000-not a quantity I would damage my life-savings/sell shares for, given the time it would take to rebuild that sum of money! Given that a console generation is usually around ten years [in which time I would be looking at another PC build or at least an upgrade, another pile of money to play The Witcher 5, for example.]

    Fortunately, I need only a single controller.

    It also helps that I sometimes get vouchers for a local shopping voucher, and Vincent Park happen to house a small BT Games store. :-)

    I made a few guestimates yesterday, and it looks as though console gaming may be friendlier on my pocket in the long run. Granted, my maths is poor.

    I chatted to my brother about this last night, and he was horrified at the cost of a 256-bit graphics card alone.

    I have spoken to my friend about this as well in the past, and seems able to be able to make the maths favour PC gaming.
    Last edited by phoenix; 20-01-2015 at 02:13 PM.
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  7. #7
    Check my new Avatar Hagan's Avatar
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    All, except RAM and multi-monitor.

  8. #8


    While I do 96% of my gaming on PC, there is one advantage that consoles have with regards to cost and that is where eBucks comes into the equation. I can pretty much spend my ebucks and get 40% off on a console at various places where if you want to buy gaming PC components, Kalahari and Incredible Connection is pretty much your only option for now. And with that, Kalahari is soon to cease existence and Incredible isn't really an option.

    Quote Originally Posted by Solitude View Post
    It would make for a good article methinks.
    I agree, but they should take into account things like the free games on PS+ and the Steam Summer Sales. Also include 2 or 3 latest releases and a couple that are 1 year old, 2 years old, etc. Should be quite interesting.

    No guts, no glory, no brain, same story.

  9. #9
    McT's Avatar
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    As I have just replaced my machine (due to lightning strike), I am easily ahead of their average. And that is a relief. Would not be able to convince the SO that I need to upgrade it any time soon.

    The only addition to my machine I would like, would be to add another 24" monitor. It's such a pain having to turn around to see what's happening with the game (cricket, rugby, etc.). Would be far easier to stream it to the monitor adjacent to the one I am operating or posting off of

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by McT View Post
    As I have just replaced my machine (due to lightning strike), I am easily ahead of their average. And that is a relief. Would not be able to convince the SO that I need to upgrade it any time soon.

    The only addition to my machine I would like, would be to add another 24" monitor. It's such a pain having to turn around to see what's happening with the game (cricket, rugby, etc.). Would be far easier to stream it to the monitor adjacent to the one I am operating or posting off of
    Same for me, got hit last year and November

    Sadly I "down-scaled" from i7 Sandy Bridge to a i5 Haswell and from a Nvidia 480 GTX to an ATI R9 280. One thing to remember is that PC games have mods and that is something that makes it worth the bit extra for me.

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