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Thread: Windows 10 to block unauthorised hardware and software

  1. #41
    There's a GIF for that MetalSoup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Graal View Post
    It will. They haven't had the financial backing of a multi-billion dollar company for decades. Just look at how the available games on Linux has exploded in the last few years since Steam started supporting the OS. There are currently 1189 games on Steam that support Linux.

    Not to even mention what Vulkan is going to do to the Linux gaming scene. If the trend keeps up, I'll probably switch to Linux for good in the next 2 or 3 years.
    I've been wondering how the switch is going. Is Graal still around?

  2. #42
    Bargain Hunter mottamort's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MetalSoup View Post
    I've been wondering how the switch is going. Is Graal still around?
    Name:  marty-somehow-we-where-brought-back-to-this-old-thread.jpg
Views: 398
Size:  31.7 KB

    P.S. I stole it from google, believe me the spelling is grinding my gears deeply!

  3. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by MetalSoup View Post
    I've been wondering how the switch is going. Is Graal still around?
    I've been on linux almost exclusively for a year or two, minus Win7 in a VM at work, and an old laptop hard drive for Win10 on my desktop (but I have to physically swap around drive cables) for the odd game...

  4. #44
    Thread Killer Mk VIII czc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mottamort View Post
    Name:  marty-somehow-we-where-brought-back-to-this-old-thread.jpg
Views: 398
Size:  31.7 KB

    P.S. I stole it from google, believe me the spelling is grinding my gears deeply!
    Why? All the spelling is correct.
    T A N S T A A F L

  5. #45
    Bargain Hunter mottamort's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by czc View Post
    Why? All the spelling is correct.
    Apparently I can't give neg rep if i've repped you for something else recently

  6. #46


    Necroing again. Sorry folks. Only just saw this now.

    Quote Originally Posted by MetalSoup View Post
    I've been wondering how the switch is going. Is Graal still around?
    I've been using Linux since roughly May last year. I made the switch because I started contracting from home and needed Linux for development, but I did some gaming on it too. You're still very limited compared to Windows 10, but it's not dire. There's very few games that I wasn't able to run so far. Most indie games support Linux out of the box and many AAA games now have native Linux support. For anything else, you can usually use WINE. The biggest problem I had with Linux was finding good drivers for my AMD card (because AMD). Apparently it's not as much of an issue if you have a newer card or an Nvidia GPU.

    I moved to Germany last year in August, so I don't have a desktop at the moment because GPU prices and all that. I want to build one this year and I'll definitely go straight back to Linux once I get it. For everyday use it's an awesome OS and I can highly recommend it. I just can't imagine working with Win10 again. It's the most infuriating OS I've ever used. I'd rather fiddle a bit in Linux to get my games running optimally than go back to that trainwreck.
    It's very funny because Microsoft has been nailing everything on the Xbox and I can't stop singing their praises for it, but Windows 10 just gets worse with every update and I can't stop hating it.

  7. #47
    Will lift for boobs! Flex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Graal View Post
    Necroing again. Sorry folks. Only just saw this now.

    I've been using Linux since roughly May last year. I made the switch because I started contracting from home and needed Linux for development, but I did some gaming on it too. You're still very limited compared to Windows 10, but it's not dire. There's very few games that I wasn't able to run so far. Most indie games support Linux out of the box and many AAA games now have native Linux support. For anything else, you can usually use WINE. The biggest problem I had with Linux was finding good drivers for my AMD card (because AMD). Apparently it's not as much of an issue if you have a newer card or an Nvidia GPU.

    I moved to Germany last year in August, so I don't have a desktop at the moment because GPU prices and all that. I want to build one this year and I'll definitely go straight back to Linux once I get it. For everyday use it's an awesome OS and I can highly recommend it. I just can't imagine working with Win10 again. It's the most infuriating OS I've ever used. I'd rather fiddle a bit in Linux to get my games running optimally than go back to that trainwreck.
    It's very funny because Microsoft has been nailing everything on the Xbox and I can't stop singing their praises for it, but Windows 10 just gets worse with every update and I can't stop hating it.

  8. #48
    bradbear117's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Graal View Post
    Necroing again. Sorry folks. Only just saw this now.

    I've been using Linux since roughly May last year. I made the switch because I started contracting from home and needed Linux for development, but I did some gaming on it too. You're still very limited compared to Windows 10, but it's not dire. There's very few games that I wasn't able to run so far. Most indie games support Linux out of the box and many AAA games now have native Linux support. For anything else, you can usually use WINE. The biggest problem I had with Linux was finding good drivers for my AMD card (because AMD). Apparently it's not as much of an issue if you have a newer card or an Nvidia GPU.

    I moved to Germany last year in August, so I don't have a desktop at the moment because GPU prices and all that. I want to build one this year and I'll definitely go straight back to Linux once I get it. For everyday use it's an awesome OS and I can highly recommend it. I just can't imagine working with Win10 again. It's the most infuriating OS I've ever used. I'd rather fiddle a bit in Linux to get my games running optimally than go back to that trainwreck.
    It's very funny because Microsoft has been nailing everything on the Xbox and I can't stop singing their praises for it, but Windows 10 just gets worse with every update and I can't stop hating it.
    damn dude, quit the necro vibes.

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