Can anyone tell me how I can go about checking what video cards a motherboard supports?
Can anyone tell me how I can go about checking what video cards a motherboard supports?
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lol AGP slot (normaly brown) = AGP card, PCI-E slot (normally white) = PCI-E card
or you can check between the PCI slots for the modol number and google it. You will find all info to the mobo
Are you using a relatively modern system? Then you should be able to support any graphics card on the market. AGP is very old by now.
if the mobo has a AGP slot, then it can olly take AGP graphics cards, if its has a PCI-e slot then it can only take PCI-E graphics cards, simple
I think he is referring to what models the actual motherboard supports. Some makers, for example Asrock cannot handle certain chips from ATI, while some other manufacturers cannot handle from this or that. Your best bet is on the website, there is normally a list.
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