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Thread: Hacking in COD MW2

  1. #1
    Thread Killer MKII The Joker's Avatar
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    Angry Hacking in COD MW2

    So I have been thinking about this long and hard, I really don't like the hacking going on in MW2.
    So the idea is if you guys come across hacking, as in you have proof the guy hacks place his name in this thread. I already know of a few that have openly admitted to hacking and they got vac banned

    So his name, then what he did and when it happened. If the same names pop up over and over again, we can mail Steam a link and let them check these players out from time to time

    What do you guys think?

    Eat - Sleep - Overclock - Repeat

  2. #2
    AK47 Pew Pew Maplassie's Avatar
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    UNfortunately not gonna work Joker my man. While I was still playing the game I reported loads of hackers, confirmed hackers but steam allways replied with the same thing

    "VAC is an automated proccess and emailing links and or even proof won't do the trick. If VAC doesn't ban them, they will keep on playing, so you can email and send and post everywhere on forums etc, problem is, nothing stops these guyz from still joining your games just under other names etc, until VAC itself catches them out. It's unfortunate and retarted I know. Part of the reason I don't play it anymore

    Eventhough they have this on their website

    If you know of a new cheat, especially private cheats (ones that aren't on a public website), and can provide the links or the actual binaries, please visit the SteamPowered Forums and PM (private mail) a moderator there and it will be reported to the VAC team.
    IF you send the info they reply with this
    Valve does not VAC ban by reports submitted by others; it's automated.
    Last edited by Maplassie; 19-05-2010 at 12:57 PM.

  3. #3
    Thread Killer MKII The Joker's Avatar
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    Thanx for the reply mate

    Well even if we can't get through to steam we could just keep their names and if you spot 1 in game you can just tell your team and either leave the game or get his team to flash and stun him so your team can murder him, I have seen this done many times and yes sure they can change their in game nicks but after awhile the always end up going back to the same nick.

    If we can't get them banned, we'll make it impossible for them to get a game.
    Eat - Sleep - Overclock - Repeat

  4. #4
    fridgevr's Avatar
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    Ja dont waste your time. They will be banned eventually and we just leave the game anyway if there is one. I can also safely say that ive only seen 1 hacker the last month.

    For some stupid reason when a player is very good he is automatically a hacker. So problem now a days is everyone calls everyone else hackers.

    I only play with the other clan guys. We almost never play random lobbies. If you know the community and the players then hackers will not be a problem.

  5. #5
    The Hoff
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    There are hackers in MW2


  6. #6
    Overkill Specialist Tank's Avatar
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    vac is useless...

    the game needs dedi's and admins to be policed properly

    Play games, not platforms

  7. #7
    Thread Killer Murph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grimspoon View Post
    There are hackers in MW2

    The last time you and I played and you got me? HAX!!

    For some stupid reason when a player is very good he is automatically a hacker. So problem now a days is everyone calls everyone else hackers.
    Das is true. Everyone cries HAX over every second kill?!
    BUT, there are hackers - I've seen tons of them in the last few games I've played - and I end up leaving and therefore the game counts as a loss to me.

    I don't know what the answer is, but I know VAC is completely half assed, although proper admins would solve the problem every time. Ganging up based on nicks doesn't work because as you said Joker, they just change nicks - although you could use the Steam alias finder to see who the original user is. By that time, the game is over :/
    It's total BS dude make no mistake, but yeah I just vok voort and try to get them before they get me.
    Last edited by Murph; 19-05-2010 at 01:37 PM.

  8. #8
    AK47 Pew Pew Maplassie's Avatar
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    If you read somewhere on the forum from a while back, at one stage what I started doing was , whenever somebody called me a hacker, I took a screenshot and made that a wallpaper for the week or untill my next accusation. I think I have 30 or 40 of them :P
    I just enjoyed the game while it lasted, and it NEVER phased me, As it was actually quite amusing.
    I mean I remember the map highrise, when you wipe out a team or most of it, one of the spawn points is in the back left corner of that office building (the one with the hole in roof in the center) so Once I see most of them are taken out I would proceed to AK spam the Black window over there, and I would get alot of kills like that. Once Got 7 Kills with one spam burst. :P Ppl were not happy, Plassie had a wet pant and had to disconnect. Afterwards if I played with the same ppl they would either call me a hacker publicly or just leave.


    Sigh good times.......

  9. #9
    Thread Killer Murph's Avatar
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    Guess that makes you a camper and a spawn raper

  10. #10
    AK47 Pew Pew Maplassie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Murph View Post
    Guess that makes you a camper and a spawn raper
    LOL actually neither, well spawn raper yeah, but from a distance, camper, naah not my style I have to run / bunnyhop, sprint, jump, duck,dive about 20 times a second or I fall asleep :P

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