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Thread: Net Neutrality and the FCC. Your thoughts?

  1. #1
    Whale Masseur AlienTaker's Avatar
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    Default Net Neutrality and the FCC. Your thoughts?

    Wil this actually be possible and will it affect us in south africa. If this happens i think that DSTV might actually get their way with the anti piracy laws they are trying to push in south africa. And if ISP's can start controlling access to what websites we will be able to use where only if you pay a ridiculous amount for premium access you can still have access to everything.

  2. #2
    bradbear117's Avatar
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    Its fuckin bad. they are trying to control the distribution of information globally. Keep certain communities in the dark while the rest prosper.....for instance: Bitcoin, imagine being denied all that info. and it only being privy to the americans elite or whatever.

    You think there's fake news now? We aint seen nothing if the FCC get their way.
    Bad news about certain world leaders gets squashed and they are made up to be God's for example.

    Taking away neutrality gives all control to a certain minority - the government of the internet. information and self betterment will be taken away from many.
    This goes far deeper than piracy and porn, believe me.

  3. #3


    Its time for the world governments to offload their nuclear stockpile onto the US.

    Two birds and all that.

  4. #4


    Most of the tier 1 ISPs are in the this will affect SA without SA being able to do much about it
    #hashtag #anotherhashtag #bonushashtag

  5. #5
    PsychoFish's Avatar
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    This...pretty much

  6. #6
    Xiphan's Avatar
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    On a lighter note I saw this yesterday and the title cracked me up!

    Ajit has internet if you have coin.

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  7. #7
    PsychoFish's Avatar
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    As Trump FCC Chairman Ajit Pai tries to kill Net Neutrality under cover of Thanksgiving, Cloudflare CEO Matthew Prince has tweeted that he is looking into ways that he can legally take up Josh Constantine's challenge to give Pai "14.4k dial-up speeds for killing net neutrality."

  8. #8
    Whale Masseur AlienTaker's Avatar
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    And now the Fightback starts lets hope they succeed in doing this and block this fool!!

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by PsychoFish View Post

    This...pretty much
    But we already have this here in SA. Or something very similar. Throttling is basically our ISPs "managing" what we have easy access to. If you want unmanaged access to the internet you need to buy a more expensive package. We also have the "media bundle addons". For an extra Rxx all your netflix an bla bla bla as zero rated data.

    The example in your post is an extreme one indicative of an Orwellian society and could very easily become the norm for but it is not like we have been living with this for a while... if only mildly.

  10. #10
    PsychoFish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Werfetter View Post
    But we already have this here in SA. Or something very similar. Throttling is basically our ISPs "managing" what we have easy access to. If you want unmanaged access to the internet you need to buy a more expensive package. We also have the "media bundle addons". For an extra Rxx all your netflix an bla bla bla as zero rated data.

    The example in your post is an extreme one indicative of an Orwellian society and could very easily become the norm for but it is not like we have been living with this for a while... if only mildly.
    What you're saying is partly true. Yes, our ISPs do throttle/prioritize certain types of traffic. However under net neutrality rules this is perfectly fine. If they had to suddenly restrict access to Netflix/Showmax/etc and offer a "streaming bolt-on" this would be what people are fighting against. When ISPs throttle or prioritize traffic it's for their own benefit to ensure a consistent experience for all subscribers. The moment a large company pays an ISP to get priority throughput we're up shit creek.

    Currently it's a level playing field between online stores Amazon and Takealot for example gets exactly the same throughput as Sipho's online spaza shop, and that is what net neutrality is all about.

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