We all know that another Need for Speed game is on its way towards the end of the year.
The information was leaked out from an EA release schedule (as well as a flimsy leak on BT Games), although we didn’t really know what the new Need for Speed game would be.
It seems as if that question has been answered, as an E3 schedule slipped out and revealed that the next game in the franchise would be an entry into the Most Wanted series.
That means Need for Speed is turning back to one of the fans’ most acclaimed entries into the series, as the original Most Wanted (2005) was one of the most beloved NFS games to be released.
It’s obviously still on paper, and nothing concrete has been revealed, although coming from the source, its legitimacy is pretty solid.
EA’s E3 press conference will take place on Monday, 4 June, and we’ll keep you up to date on all the information and details regarding the new Need for Speed game (as well as all the other games) as the details break.
Source: IGN
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