BBC calls for viewers to Finish the Fight

Ah Google Images, you sick practical joker.

It seems that the BBC were unfortunately a victim of overlapping acronyms and video game popularity on the internet, as someone in the graphics department pulled up a UNSC logo, except it wasn’t the United Nations Security Council’s.

The said logo was from Halo’s United Nations Space Command, and was used while a BBC anchor was introducing a much more serious matter than a fictional intergalactic war.

It’s a simple mistake, but a funny one nonetheless.

Speaking of Halo, the next instalment in the Halo franchise will be Halo 4, which is set in the aftermath of Halo 3, where Master Chief returns to confront his own destiny and face an ancient evil that threatens the fate of the entire universe. Halo 4 marks the start of a new trilogy that begins with its release in 2012.

Halo 4 is scheduled for a worldwide release on November 6 for Xbox 360.

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BBC calls for viewers to Finish the Fight

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