PSN bringing Ultimate Editions to gamers

The US Playstation Store is getting some new features, most notably the introduction and addition of Ultimate Editions.

The purpose of the Ultimate Editions is to bundle full PS3 game, with all the DLC and expansions released with the game, in order to deliver the ‘ultimate’ form of the purchased game.

Ultimate Editions will be priced more reasonably than buying the game and respective DLC separately, and Playstation Plus members will even receive discounts when downloading the new special offers.

Some of the great specials on Ultimate Editions include: Red Dead Redemption (along with the Legends and Killers, Liars and Cheats and Undead Nightmare DLC) for the incredibly-reasonable price of $27.99 (R250*) and $19.59 (R163.35*) for normal and Playstation Plus members respectively.

Another stand-out deal is the Mortal Kombat Ultimate Edition, which gets you the game, Warrior Bundle and Klassic Skins Pack 1, for $34.99 (R291.91*), with Playstation Plus members grabbing the deal for $24.49 (R204.28*).

There’s no word yet if the EU store (which we use locally) will get the specials, although the deals should make their way to the Europe store soon.

For a list of all current Ultimate Edition specials, head over to the official US Playstation blog.

*Exchange rates calculated at time of article.

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PSN bringing Ultimate Editions to gamers

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