E3 rumour: Sony to announce new Storyteller e-book feature for PS3

It only does everything – and now, if the rumours are true, the PS3 will also be doing e-books. So that’s everything plus e-books, but not party chat. One everything at a time here, people.

According to a report over on MCV, Sony is prepping to announce a new “Storyteller” e-book initiative at E3, which will see the PS3 (and maybe also the Vita, which probably makes more sense) launching an interactive document and book feature with a special emphasis on content for kids.

The content would be added to a new sub-section of the existing PlayStation Store, which is expected to see an overhaul in the future and form part of Sony’s big E3 showstoppers.

When contacted about the rumour by MCV, Sony refused to comment. Which is basically exactly the same thing as confirming it, or they’d have said it was rubbish. I know how these corporates work, man.

E3 is happening next week, 5-7 June, in Los Angeles.

Source: MCV

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E3 rumour: Sony to announce new Storyteller e-book feature for PS3

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