We’ve finally got an inside-look at the maniacal machinations of the EA corporate behemoth – except, it’s not real.
The following video is purely a satirical look at the operations and ethics of Electronic Arts; and regardless of whether you agree of not – it’s still pretty funny.
The video was put together by RushFreak2, a YouTube user who creates animated comedy skits and machinima videos.
We tried to contact him in order to find out what inspired him to make the video (and are still awaiting a reply). He does list a bunch of reasons for his EA dismay:
- This is for buying out some of the best game companies and turning them to mediocrity.
- This is for having some of the worst customer service in the gaming industry.
- This is for deliberately holding back game content for the sole purpose of making customers pay more for it later as DLC.
- This is for strictly enforcing copyrights on content that you did not even create.-This is for taking the Need for Speed franchise and completely ruining it.
- This is for supporting the S.O.P.A.
- This is for overworking your employees with no benefeits, demolishing any creative talent they have.
- This is for making terms of use that allow you to backstab your customers any time you see fit.
- This is for releasing the same things every year, an increasingly large number being the only difference.
- This is for forcing your customers to stay online to even play several games you publish at all.
- This is for backstabbing Valve, preventing the developers you publish for from releasing their games via Steam for the sole purpose of promoting your own platform.
- This is for overhyping your games and not delivering the content you promised.
- This is for bribing media review organizations to increase the rep of your games.
- This is for monopolizing the entire gaming industry and crushing all that oppose you.
I’m sorry, Electronic Arts. I used to like you, but you had this one coming. Your days of having hotels on Boardwalk and Park Place are over.
Check out the video below:
If you want to check out RushFreak2’s other videos, head over to his YouTube channel.
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