Star Wars 1313 revealed: dark and mature game promised

Ahead of the E3 expo 2012, LucasArts has revealed their latest Star Wars game, titled 1313.

Star Wars 1313 is a third-person action-adventure which will revolve around the trials and tribulations of an intergalactic bounty hunter.

The setting will apparently include a mega-city found on planet Coruscant. Players will delve into the subterranean workings of the metropolis to seek out Level 1313, a ruthless criminal organisation, and uncover a sinister conspiracy that runs deep within their ranks.

Players won’t be using the Force however, and will rely on guile and an arsenal of “exotic” weapons. Gameplay mechanics include cover-based shooting, platforming, and “playable cinematic gameplay” (do I read ‘quick time events’?).

With LucasArts at the helm, they are pooling their resources, bringing on-board Industrial Light & Magic, Lucasfilm Animation, and Skywalker Sound.

LucasArts promises a “dark and mature world” for the game – so hopefully we won’t have any floppy-eared comic relief characters spoiling the fun.

Technical details include the use of Unreal Engine technology, along with full motion capture performances.

“We’re excited to share one of the projects LucasArts has been hard at work developing,” said Paul Meegan, President, LucasArts. “Star Wars 1313 dives into a part of the Star Wars mythos that we’ve always known existed, but never had a chance to visit. We are committed to bringing the best gameplay experience and visual fidelity to life and I truly believe the work we are showcasing at E3 will speak for itself.”

Star Wars 1313 - Coruscant

Expect more Star Wars 1313 news to emerge from E3 2012 which kicks off next week, 5-7 June. Keep an eye on the snazzy Star Wars 1313 website for more info.

Stay tuned to MyGaming for all the E3 coverage as it unfolds.

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Star Wars 1313 revealed: dark and mature game promised

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