What a week. The anticipated event (and following chaos) that was Diablo III’s release left everyone a little busy with Blizzard’s back-and-forth server fiascos.
Diablo III inevitably hogged the headline space, although there were many things going on; while some PC gamers hulk-smashed their keyboards, others enjoyed the world of Sanctuary.
Girl power
The week kicked off with one female-empowering series hitting a speedbump, while another exploited women completely.
>> Tomb Raider reboot slips into 2013
>> Ghost Recon: Future Soldier’s new Ghost – Coco
Girls just wanna have fun
Speaking of women, Jade Raymond made some ‘ballsy’ statements again, and Harley Quinn returned to Gotham City.
>> Jade Raymond recommends we give our “teenage medium a kick in the balls”
>> Batman Arkham City Harley Quinn’s Revenge DLC info drop
Under the hood
Treyarch seem happy with their current game engine, while Epic showed off the future of theirs.
>> Black Ops 2 – Treyarch gets behind their game engine
>> Unreal Engine 4 shows what next-gen may look like
Short pockets
EA is set to make a lot of money…after giving most of it away.
>> Battlefield premium subscription service incoming, rumour has it
>> EA pays Activision to settle $400 million court battle
>> Activision pays $42 million to ex-Infinity Warders, more to come
“Get your head in the game”
Developers want to help you play a bigger role in their games.
>> BioWare wants YOU to help make the next Dragon Age
>> Fan wins competition to become Uncharted character
So, what are you working on?
LinkedIn managed to squeeze out some information and stole to crown of leakage.
>> Bad Company 3, Mirror’s Edge 2 could be happening
>> Saints Row 4 coming to Xbox 360, PS3 and PC
Take my money
A man hacked Call of Duty to make a lot of money, while gamers saw why they’re going to need a lot of money.
>> Man jailed for hacking Call of Duty
>> Borderlands 2 Special Editions revealed
Demonic feedback
And, as expected, the Diablo III news rolled in.
>> Blizzard blame “mortal infrastructure” for Diablo III server problems
>> Diablo III’s secret level is over the rainbow
>> Diablo III auction house launch delayed (obviously)
>> Blizzard “continuing to explore the possibilities” of Diablo III on console
>> Diablo III game-breaking bug rears its head
Amongst the chaos we reviewed Max Payne 3, Prototype 2 and got some hands on time with the upcoming Dirt Showdown.
>> Max Payne 3 review (Xbox 360)
>> Prototype 2 review (Xbox 360)
>> Dirt Showdown: hands on the wheel for destructive arcade action
We also featured 5 villainous races we love to hate, checked out the Diablo III launch party in Cape Town, listed some great forthcoming hardware, found out what SA’s best games are, and asked if casual games are killing the industry.
>> 5 villainous races we love to hate
>> MWEB Diablo III launch party in Cape Town
>> Hardware you can look forward to
>> SA’s best selling games by platform
>> Will casual gaming destroy innovation in the hardcore market?
Win win win!
Don’t forget about the cool competitions you can get in on right here on MyGaming!
>> Win 1 of 4 Diablo III Collector’s Editions
>> Win Darksiders with Ster Kinekor and MyGaming
Video of the week
The Last of Us – Ambush trailer
Screenshot of the week
Crysis 3‘s fire-breathing robot.
What was your favourite story this week? Anything that stood and is worth mentioning?
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