Google has unveiled its new internet speed test tool and it’s ingenious.
Best broadband neighbourhoods and suburbs in SA
Ookla’s latest Net Index statistics show that Sandton, Parow, and Midrand have the highest average download and upload speeds in South Africa
Best broadband areas in South Africa
Want to find out which suburb, town, or city has the fastest broadband? We have the answer
Getting the online gaming performance you’re promised?
Latest Net Index stats have the answer
SA’s best city for gaming
Latest Net Index statistics reveal the best cities for online gaming in SA
SA online gaming quality rises through the ranks
Best city and ISP for quality online gaming revealed
Best ADSL network for gaming
Latest MyBroadband Speedtest statistics reveal which ADSL networks provide the best performance
Best wireless broadband networks for gaming in SA
The latest MyBroadband Speedtest statistics reveal which mobile and wireless networks provide the best performance
Best country for online gaming: SA versus the world
Where will you find the best quality internet for your online gaming?
Fastest broadband connections in South Africa
Latest statistics reveal the broadband networks in South Africa with the highest average speed