View Poll Results: What type of sex and or nudity in game are you ok with?

70. You may not vote on this poll
  • Just male

    1 1.43%
  • Just Female

    24 34.29%
  • Male or female

    22 31.43%
  • No, sex should be something private

    7 10.00%
  • Not enough prawn action

    9 12.86%
  • I don't need sex ingame I make my own videos

    7 10.00%
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Thread: Sex and nudity ingame?

  1. #1
    The Piper Necuno's Avatar
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    Default Sex and nudity ingame?

    (tried to keep the poll simple, since there are endless possibilities you can have)

    Sex and nudity ingame?

    Are you ok with it?
    How about full frontals for males or two men?
    Only strait?
    Not enough alien?

    I'm curious. You can add more comment than just pole tickoff if you want
    // Previously known as Blind Faith or Pr⊕phet
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  2. #2
    The Piper Necuno's Avatar
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    Personally I have no issue with it. After witcher2 comment I'd thought a poll would be quick way of getting a census of what you guys think of it
    // Previously known as Blind Faith or Pr⊕phet
    // Sign up to Greenman Gaming and get $2 FREE in-store credit.

  3. #3


    No issue with it as long as it adds to the game. Having it in simply to show tits and ass is a waste.

  4. #4
    bradbear117's Avatar
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    Nudity has its place sometimes but its not something that's completely necessary. As Fivel said.

  5. #5
    Lycanthrope's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fivel View Post
    No issue with it as long as it adds to the game. Having it in simply to show tits and ass is a waste.

    More tits and ass, please!

    Society puts too much taboo on nudity. It's about time those taboos get shot to hell.


    More naked menz too, pl0x.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Lycanthrope View Post

    More tits and ass, please!

    Society puts too much taboo on nudity. It's about time those taboos get shot to hell.


    More naked menz too, pl0x.
    It's not about taboo you Neanderthal!

  7. #7


    I have no problem with it. With female that is.
    It is ok if there is male nudity in the game, as long as I can play around it. Like in the case of Mass Effect 3, I knew there was the possibility for some kind of scene with the guy in the basement and I could simply avoid it, simply by... not turning my back on him... and probably by choosing the correct dialogue options
    So for female, ok with it... for male, I'm only ok if the game don't force me to play through it.

    No guts, no glory, no brain, same story.

  8. #8
    Lycanthrope's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fivel View Post
    It's not about taboo you Neanderthal!

    I know. I'm just saying

    Society has this sort of bizarre complacent indifference when it comes to violent media. But show some boobs on TV? OH NOES! PR0NZ! WE MUST PROTEK TEH CHILDRENZ!

    Apart from my firm belief that that only does more damage than good, it's also purely ridiculous that as adults, our media has to be censored and railed in because certain fundamentalist conservative organisations feel like saying what other people may or may not engage in.

    From a normal gamer's perspective I'd agree: sex and nudity should be tastefully integrated into a game and not just "for the hell of it." However, I also believe that if people want to buy a game just because it has nudity (and bugger-all else) then they should be welcome to.

    Long live freedoms and liberties!

    And, as such, I demand more prawns!

  9. #9


    Nudity in games are there to show tits and ass as soon as some 1 walks into my room

  10. #10
    MyGaming Comp Authoritah sycogrim's Avatar
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    Crickey here we go again with the nudity stuff hahahahahahaha...

    I'm simply chilled with sex in general on a game, but I think a user should be given a choice prior to starting a game with what they want, almost like a parental control setting except allowing a person to choose their genre of sexual relations. Especially since I had an argument roughly about a year ago with the gay members on here regarding a homosexual encounters on Mass Effect.

    Personally I think it should be given as an option before hand, that way making it a win win situation for everyone.
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