This is veering dangerously close to a personal flame war.
Let's stick to the topic under discussion, please.
This is veering dangerously close to a personal flame war.
Let's stick to the topic under discussion, please.
The only issue i have around these ladies is when the cloothing is too revealing, dont want my kid to walk around then have wet dreams before he gets to his teens..
Oh and also the whole, they dont know nothing about what they are selling, i mean if they did then it would give us noob gamers play time on actually learning to chat to women.its like in bf3 if you havent spent time flying and looking at them, you still have no chance.
Uhm, what?
I'll leave the thread on this note; I'm a bisexual 21 year old. I do not walk around in public, looking at people and deciding in my mind whether they are fuckable or not. I would rather say that it's unhealthy for anyone to do that unless they're angsty, hormonal teenagers.
And with that my friend you threw any hint of credibility your "argument" might have had in the long run right out the window.
Though I have to say thank you because now I can use this:
without feeling bad, not that I ever do that.
/Takes Dan's advice.
Last edited by OmegaFenix; 11-06-2012 at 04:27 PM. Reason: typo fail
hmm 20 posts. I wonder if it will stop now?
contact me if you are in Cape Town and looking for PC Hardware at very competitive pricing. We also do web and graphic design.
Ah... Thank you MovieBob for your awesome show The Big Picture which already addresses this issue.
Politically correctness or PC, as far as it exists on the internet and forums like these, exist only as a shield for jerks from people pointing out that they are jerks.
Go Watch it HERE
Whenever somebody starts using the term PC its usually a clear indication that they don't know that its not a real thing.
Second from right = Cute
People seem to confuse political correctness with common human decency.