South African broadband tariffs vs the world

Fibre, ADSL and Mobile - a rating of local broadband services

Point Topic has released its Q3 2017 residential broadband tariff report, which shows that South Africa’s entry-level broadband prices are among the best in the world.

Point Topic’s scorecard compares the entry-level, median, and average residential broadband tariffs in 81 countries.

The data includes fixed broadband services offered over copper, cable, and fibre networks.

“To help provide an easy way of comparing directly, we have taken the PPP data on entry-level, median, and average broadband tariffs, produced rankings, and then compared the variance,” it said.

Global pricing

Albania had the lowest entry-level broadband prices, followed by India, Poland, and Vietnam.

South Africa ranks 12 out of 81 countries for its entry-level residential broadband prices – improving by two places over the last quarter.

This is where the good news ends, however, as the country’s median and average tariffs rank among the worst in the world.

Point Topic’s broadband tariff country scorecard is below. Countries at the top offer the lowest entry-level tariffs.

Country scorecard

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South African broadband tariffs vs the world

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