Most popular South African ISPs on Steam


South Africans downloaded 493.3TB from Steam at an average rate of 6.1Mbps last week, the platform reported.

This accounted for 0.2% of the total data traffic downloaded from the platform during the period.

Steam is an online marketplace for PC games, software, and video entertainment, and offers 19,832 games – excluding mods and downloadable content.

SteamSpy reported that over the past two weeks, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive was the game with the highest number of players in South Africa.

Top ISPs

The table below ranks the most popular ISPs in South Africa accessing Steam, based on the number of bytes delivered to that network from Steam.

Network Average Download Rate
Telkom 5.2Mbps
Afrihost 4.6Mbps
Optinet 4.2Mbps
Internet Solutions 7.2Mbps
Axxess 4.6Mbps
Vox 9.1Mbps
MWEB 3.5Mbps
Neotel 3.6Mbps
Cell C 14.8Mbps
Vodacom 12.9Mbps

Now read: Steam no longer supports Bitcoin

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Most popular South African ISPs on Steam

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