The best fibre deals for gaming

Boy gaming

Given all the excellent releases this year, there has never been a better time to be a gamer.

However, there are more factors for gamers to consider than ever before – and chief among them is your internet connection.

In 2022, having a stable internet connection as a gamer is no longer an option but a necessity.

One reason for this is that almost no new titles have physical releases for PC and instead must be downloaded from online stores.

While you still can, to some extent, buy physical games for a console, many games require an active internet connection to work.

A good connection is therefore crucial if you want to game effectively.

Choosing a connection

The bare minimum connection that you should choose for online gaming is one that offers 20Mbps download speeds. Anything less than this will see you start seeing severe issues with online performance.

Therefore the best option for a stable connection with low latency is a fibre connection, preferably uncapped.

Fibre is the best option as it allows for a significantly more stable internet connection when compared to wireless options – this then reduces latency and prevents lag spikes.

For gaming, in particular, you’ll also want an uncapped fibre package as these days, game downloads and patches are so large that you’ll quickly run out of data if you don’t have uncapped.

With an uncapped fibre line, you’ll have the best experience in gaming as you’ll be able to download the games you like and play them without the fear of connection errors and lag.

Below, we have listed eight ISPs with the highest customer satisfaction scores sourced from MyBroadBand and the prices of the most suitable fibre packages that will allow for smooth online gaming.

Uncapped fibre packages
ISP Customer satisfaction score Download/Upload speed Price per month
Wirulink 90% 20/4 Mbps (4/1 after 400GB) R269
Cybersmart 94% 25/25 Mbps R498 (Lite), R599 (Premium)
RSAWEB 81% 25/25 Mbps R595
Cool Ideas 86% 25/25 Mbps R599
Webafrica 80% 25/10 Mbps R599 (R399 first 2 months)
Level-7 88% 25/25 Mbps R599
Mind the Speed 89% 25/25 Mbps R645
Metrofibre Networx 80% 25/25 Mbps R699

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The best fibre deals for gaming

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