The post-Diablo III week has moved incredibly fast and brought a lot of rumours ahead of the E3 expo which is less than two weeks away.
Teasing seemed to be the theme of the week, as developers and publishers released an abundance of hints and content, showing off their latest offerings for later this year and beyond.
To be…
Developers hinted at some games that probably will happen.
>> Just Cause domains registered – are sequels are on their way?
>> Rumour: Castlevania games to be shown at E3
>> Castlevania announcement teased by Konami
>> Konami reveal Enders Project
…or not to be
And some games that may not happen
>> Rumour control: Ubisoft scrapping Brothers in Arms: Furious 4?
>> Rumour crushing: Dead Island 2 not in development
Mark you calenders
Release dates were shuffled around, although we were finally dealt some clarity.
>> Max Payne 3 PC launch delayed, co-op DLC incoming
>> XCOM: Enemy Unknown invades Earth later this year
>> Aliens: Colonial Marines gets a release date
>> DmC release date announced, PC version confirmed
>> Rugby Challenge coming to Vita in June
A storm is coming…
Diablo 3 caused a lot of upsets this week, some more than others… Although Blizzard laughed all the way to the bank.
>> Man dies while playing Diablo III
>> Diablo III accounts hacked, gold and gear swiped
>> Names banned in Diablo III – let’s start a list!
>> Diablo III is fastest selling PC game, ever
>> Diablo III hotfixes listed, patch incoming next week
Light, camera, action
Hollywood, once again, picked up on the talent that exists in the gaming world.
>> Nathan Drake lands up in Star Trek 2
>> Shadow of the Colussus movie gets director
Nurse, I’m running out of patience
Some upcoming games dangled delicious treats in front of our faces.
>> Far Cry 3 Insane Edition includes two hours of extra content, lots of goodies
>> Metro: Last Light – Enter the Metro short movie released
>> Spec Ops: The Line PC demo and requirements announced
>> Elder Scrolls MMO to feature “100 percent solo” main story
>> Assassin’s Creed III – Ubisoft is preparing for a strong E3 showing
We asked some questions: what are the biggest boss battles around? And what are the world celebrity-featured games? Should you upgrade your PC? And what 5 items would you take to the end of the world?
>> The worst games starring celebrities
>> Diablo III survival guide – MyGaming edition
Looking ahead
We checked out some games we’re most excited for going forward, and settled the score with Diablo III and Ghost Recon: Future Soldier.
>> Resident Evil 6 – what we know so far
>> Company of Heroes 2 pre-E3 peek
>> Civilization V: Gods & Kings hands-on preview
>> Ghost Recon: Future Soldier review roundup
Find out what Gareth Thomas thinks of the World War II shooter Sniper Elite V2, while Henk Claassen checks out the action/adventure Blades of Time.
>> Sniper Elite v2 review (Xbox 360)
>> Blades of Time review (PS3)
Video of the week
Sleeping Dogs – 101 trailer
Image of the week
Transformers: Fall of Cybertron – Grimlock screenshot, because he’s a dinosaur, that’s a robot, eating another robot.
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