Takealot adds triple-A games to clearance sale

MGS V - Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - Review

If you’re itching for a new (and cheap) game to add to your library, you’ll be glad to know that Takealot has added a bunch of games to its clearance sale section, discounting some pretty big titles from the past year or so.

Among the specials are PS4, Xbox One, 3DS and PC games, along with some hardware, such as headphones and peripherals to pick up.

Some of the games in the sale include Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Edition on Xbox One (R339), Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst on PS4 (R279), Watch Dogs 2: Gold Edition on PS4 (R479) and Resident Evil: Origins Collection on PC (R129). 

Of course, being a clearance sale, the stock is limited.

Check out more specials here.

Article courtesy of MenStuff.co.za.

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Takealot adds triple-A games to clearance sale

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