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Thread: MyGaming Steam Community Giveaways

  1. #1
    There's a GIF for that MetalSoup's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Post MyGaming Steam Community Giveaways

    Rules and guidelines

    These giveaways are being done by MyGaming community members, for fellow members that contribute in a positive way to the MyGaming forum, and as such we will show NO leniency to spammers or people who do not follow the rules as decided by the community. These giveaways are for long standing, active members of the forums only.

    You need to be an active member with at least 100 post and be registered for no less than two months to be eligible to join the group, which will enable you to enter the giveaways.

    If you are only active during activity contests you will not be eligible to join the group.

    If you want to join the MyGaming Community Steam group, post a link to your Steam profile in this thread. It will look something like this:
    Do not expect the group officers to go searching for your profile with just a username.

    Rules to stay in the group:

    1. You must make at least twenty decent posts per month during the last two months.
    2. Spam and nonsense posts, as determined by group officers, don't count.
    3. Posts in giveaway and competition threads don't count.
    4. Trolls and trouble stirrers, as determined by group officers, anywhere on the forum, or in the Steam group will not be tolerated.
    5. If there is a dispute, you will take it up privately with the Steam group officers. If a satisfactory resolution can not be reached, a MyGaming administrator may be requested to act as a mediator.

    Users who do not comply with all of these rules will be removed from the group by the Steam Community officers, until they do comply and reapply for membership.

    If you notice a member of the group that you believe does not comply with these rules, please report them to one of the group officers.

    How to create a giveaway:

    Please be aware that there are two Steam groups for MyGaming members; is open to all (by invite), and the MyGaming Community group is exclusively for the most active members of the forum, as determined by the rules above. You may create your giveaways for either one or both of the groups. That is your prerogative as the sponsor of the game.

    1. Register on Steamgifts.
    2. Once you're logged in, click on Giveaway -> Create a Giveaway
    3. Choose the game you want to give away from the dropdown menu. Note that some of them have a * next to them. These are games that have been in bundles before, and they don't add to your "contributor value" over a certain amount
    4. Select the time period you want to run it for. It's usually best to start your giveaways "now" and give a reasonable end date and time. (times are local)
    5. In the Who Can Enter section, choose "Steam Group" and then select "MyGaming community" from the dropdown list.
    6. You can ignore the other field for the most part, then click "Create Your Giveaway" and confirm it.
    7. If you can't find your signature, click here.
    8. Once the giveaway ends, Steamgifts will immediately pick a random winner, it will give you the email address and Steam details of the person you should send the key / gift to.
    9. After you sent the key, mark the box that says "Gifts Sent" and you're done.

    Please let me know if anything here isn't clear or if you need more info.

    Member Aliases

    If you're wondering who entered your giveaway, here is a list of MyGaming Members and their Steam names.

    Good luck and have fun, and a special thanks to all contributors!

    Active giveaways

    Quote Originally Posted by GregRedd View Post
    Just realised two things:
    1. MyG community members have given away over 1 000 Steam games worth $14 500 / R220 000 in the 2-odd years that the two community groups have been doing these Giveaways
    2. Selecting these links to MyGaming community and/or on Steam Gifts will show you a neatly organised listing of all presently open GAs that logged in group members are eligible to enter.

    I salute you all for your generosity.
    Last edited by MetalSoup; 20-02-2017 at 07:13 AM.

  2. #2
    There's a GIF for that MetalSoup's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Nothing to see here.
    Last edited by MetalSoup; 18-09-2015 at 02:26 PM.

  3. #3
    There's a GIF for that MetalSoup's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Nothing to see here.
    Last edited by MetalSoup; 20-02-2017 at 07:13 AM.

  4. #4
    FriedPet's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011


    Awesome work!! Thanks for doing it!

    I would've given you +rep, but I've given you too many already

  5. #5
    MyGaming Alumnus James's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    MyGaming Hive


    Thanks Eugene, this is really helpful. Will you maintain the list? Do you want to keep this thread free of chat, or just constantly update the OP?

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by James View Post
    Thanks Eugene, this is really helpful. Will you maintain the list? Do you want to keep this thread free of chat, or just constantly update the OP?
    Maybe we should keep discussions and posting new giveaways to and Eugene can just update the OP with updated details as they are posted in that thread.

    No guts, no glory, no brain, same story.

  7. #7
    There's a GIF for that MetalSoup's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by James View Post
    Thanks Eugene, this is really helpful. Will you maintain the list? Do you want to keep this thread free of chat, or just constantly update the OP?
    I'll keep updating it, people can chat away. I think this thread can replace the other one I created about the Exclusive Steam Community, and we can leave JP's giveaway thread for people who want to do trades perhaps?

  8. #8
    StaggerLee's Avatar
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    Behind the boerewors curtain


    There are a couple by Lonthor (Deceptor) that aren't on the list:

    The Binding of Isaac
    Last edited by StaggerLee; 16-07-2013 at 07:29 AM. Reason: noob mistake

  9. #9
    There's a GIF for that MetalSoup's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by StaggerLee View Post
    There are a couple by Lonthor (Deceptor) that aren't on the list:

    The Binding of Isaac
    Added, thanks.

  10. #10
    Party time! Excellent! MalicE's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    The mother city


    well done eugene

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