Fallout London delayed indefinitely

The highly-anticipated Fallout London mod, which was set to release on 23 April this year, has been indefinitely delayed.

This delay is due to the release of the next-gen update for Fallout 4 on 25 April, which will break the mod.

While there are methods for avoiding the update to play the mod, the goal of Fallout London has always been for it to be an easy-to-play experience for everyone.

Dean Carter, the project lead for the mod, therefore announced the indefinite delay in an update video.

Given the team working on the mod is entirely comprised of volunteers its impossible to say when they may be able to release it following the delay.

However, Fallout has enjoyed a resurgence of popularity thanks to the release of Amazon’s Fallout series.

This can easily be seen in Fallout 4’s player numbers on Steam, which climbed to an average peak of 76,428 as of writing – compared to last month’s average being only 10-20,000.

Whether this resurgence will help the mod remains to be seen, but fans of Fallout London remain hopeful they will eventually see it.

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Fallout London delayed indefinitely

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