Dragon’s Dogma 2 patch notes – 25 April

Capcom has just released a new patch for Dragon’s Dogma 2, addressing numerous bugs and technical issues as well as improving the Dragonsplague feature.

The Dragonsplague infection is one of the more controversial features that Dragon’s Dogma 2 offers with many players divided due to its potential for derailing an entire playthrough.

The plague can be contracted by your Pawns, both your main and hired, and if left unattended and unnoticed will eventually cause a unique cutscene when you rest at an inn.

After the cutscene you’ll discover that while your Arisen was sleeping your infected Pawn went on a rampage, killing every NPC in the settlement you were resting at.

This has caused many players a great deal of problems as it not only causes issues for quests but can also lock out valuable merchants.

While the effects of the plague can be undone with Wakestones, with one very rare version being the best solution as it can resurrect an entire settlement at once, its time-consuming and costly.

Usually the best option is simply to press on and begin a new cycle of the world – resetting all the dead NPCs.

The patch, however, has addressed some of these concerns by reducing how frequently you’ll encounter Dragonsplague and making it more obvious when a pawn is infected.

The patch has also adjusted Pawn behaviour to make them less prone to falling off cliffs.

Below are the full patch notes:

  • Reducing the infection frequency of dragonsplague and adjusting the signs of Pawns infected with dragonsplague to be more noticeable.
    • For example, when infected, glowing eyes will be more noticeable.
  • Adding the option to zoom in on the faces of the Arisen and Pawns in the status screen, shops, etc.
  • Fixing some issues and implementing adjustments related to the mini map.
    • Treasure chests that have already been acquired won’t be displayed on the mini map.
  • Adjustments to Pawns’ behavior and dialogue.
    • Fixing issues where occasionally the player couldn’t high five Pawns.
    • Fixing issues where Pawns wouldn’t start guiding after offering to guide.
    • Making Pawns less likely to fall off cliffs.
    • Reducing the frequency of some Pawn dialogue lines.
    • Improving Pawn lines to better match circumstances.
    • Fixing some issues where Pawns stop speaking outside of combat.
    • Fixing some issues where the Main Pawn speaks support Pawn’s dialogue.
    • Making Pawns more likely to aid the Arisen if the Arisen commands them to help while being held by enemies.
    • Reducing the frequency of Pawns offering to be hired by the player while in the field.
  • Fixing issues where sometimes escort quests are considered failed when accessing Character Edit or other specific situations.
  • Fixing issues where the player could be jailed when fighting monsters in town.
  • Fixing some crashes and freezes in specific circumstances.
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes.

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Dragon’s Dogma 2 patch notes – 25 April

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